Search result for Erica Block

Military accepts transgender recruits, but advocates won’t give up fight

WASHINGTON - Transgender individuals will be able to openly enlist, re-enlist and serve in the military beginning Jan. 1. Advocates in Arizona welcomed the shift, but don't believe this is the end of their fight.

Promoters to launch Ace Comic Con in Glendale as comic book industry experiences revival

Experts said the comic book industry has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to the internet, movie adaptations and conventions. A new convention will hit Glendale next month.

Arizona rancher on Mexico border uses science to breed sustainable cattle

Nogales, AZ cattle rancher Dean Fish bases his business practices on a three-legged stool of sustainability "to produce a safe, wholesome, tasty, nutritious product that’s going to go on America’s dinner plate."

Mexicans work to reclaim corn as their own

QUERETARO, Mexico - NAFTA has battered small Mexican farmers, but plans to renegotiate the trade pact have prompted a grassroots and political push here to reclaim a trade that was once at the heart of Mexico.

Arizona police departments try to repair rifts with communities

PHOENIX – When Jeri Williams took over as Phoenix police chief last year, she made it a point to address the tension between law enforcement and the community.

Some Arizona residents push back against police through protests, ballot box

PHOENIX – As thousands of protesters hit the Phoenix streets in July 2016 to protest the killings of black people by police, the Rev. Jarrett Maupin felt their anger.

Arizona law enforcement doesn’t reflect state’s diversity

WINSLOW – Despite national calls for more diverse law enforcement agencies, very few, if any, Arizona police departments reflect the demographics of the communities they serve - though diversity is not always their top priority.

From disconnection to opportunity: Zip Code Project aims to reconnect the ‘disconnected youth’ of Arizona

MARYVALE — Teen pregnancy, difficult living situations, immigration status and mental or physical disabilities are some of the reasons young people in the United States become ‘disconnected.'

Christopher Dickenson addresses community leaders

Good Book gets good look in town where The Word is usually political

WASHINGTON - The Washington monument that Mark Singer and Kim Bongiorno came to see wasn’t old and it wasn’t on the National Mall and it wasn’t dedicated – strictly – to U.S. history. But don’t tell the Scottsdale couple that it wasn’t worth the trip.

As NAFTA staggers, Arizona keeps pushing forward to maintain its trade relationship with Mexico

PHOENIX ‒ As a border state, Arizona plays a dual role in some of President Donald Trump’s policy proposals. It wants the border to be shielded from drug smuggling and undocumented immigration, but still be open for trade with Mexico.

Gov. Doug Ducey

‘I just couldn’t breathe’: A transgender man’s journey

PHOENIX  – Sam Staas was designated female when he was born. It took years before he realized he was a boy.


Flake will not seek 2018 re-election for Senate seat

PHOENIX - Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced Tuesday he would not seek re-election in 2018.