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Tell us: How has Meals on Wheels America impacted your life?

The Trump administration is proposing cuts to the Older Americans Act Nutrition Programs, which include the Congregate, Home-Delivered and Nutrition Services Incentive Programs.

EPA scraps Clean Power Plan, but utilities still vow lower emissions

WASHINGTON - Arizona utilities and regulators said they plan to continue working toward the lower carbon emission goals that had been set in the EPA's Clean Power Plan, even though federal officials said this week that they are scrapping the program.

Graham optimistic about chances for Franks’ abortion bill in Senate

WASHINGTON - Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, on Thursday promised a vote "sooner rather than later" on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which passed the House earlier this week but has regularly died in the Senate.

Black women and community members march for unity in Phoenix

PHOENIX - On an empty lot at the corner of 13th and Jefferson Streets, community members and leaders gathered Saturday for a march under the hot Valley sun. The theme was the empowerment of African-American women.


Giffords to Congress: ‘The nation is counting on you’ after Las Vegas

WASHINGTON - Former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords turned and shook her fist toward the Capitol Monday after telling lawmakers "the nation is counting on you" to act in the wake of Sunday's mass shooting in Las Vegas.

As border wall prototype construction starts, Arizona geographer speaks up

PHOENIX - Leaving behind violence and poverty, a Central American family travels thousands of miles by foot, train, and bus. Once they finally arrive at the U.S. border, they have one more difficult decision to make: carry a bag full of marijuana and cross the desert with some help, or risk their life and cross alone.

Border Patrol

GOP leaders drop health care bill after McCain, others state opposition

WASHINGTON - Senate leaders abandoned their latest effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, saying Tuesday that they would turn their attention to tax reform after key GOP defections doomed the health care proposal.

Valley Venezuelans react after country is included in Trump’s latest travel ban

PHOENIX - Until recently, President Donald Trump’s travel bans included countries where primarily the Muslim religion was dominant. That changed, however, over the weekend, when he included two new countries: North Korea and Venezuela.

President of Venezuela

McCain to vote against health care bill, likely dooming GOP effort

WASHINGTON - Sen. John McCain said Friday that he cannot "in good conscience" vote for the latest plan to replace Obamacare, a surprise announcement that may have killed the bill for Senate leaders who can only afford to lose two GOP votes.

McCain coy on new GOP health care bill that Flake, Ducey are backing

WASHINGTON - Arizona Sen. John McCain, a key vote in the failure of the last Obamacare repeal attempt, refused to say Tuesday how he will vote on a new GOP plan, which is being supported by his fellow Republicans, Gov. Doug Ducey and Sen. Jeff Flake.

Rep. Grijalva arrested protesting outside of Trump Tower in New York City

Democratic Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Tucson was arrested Tuesday morning during a protest in front of the Trump Tower in New York City, according to information from his campaign office.

Grijalva in handcuffs

Trump deals with Democrats and DREAMers decide whether to believe

PHOENIX — “It’s like another board game for them. Both the Democrats and the Trump administration. It’s always a game and they’re gambling with our lives,” Francisco Luna said.