Search result for Erica Block

Census plan to ask citizenship status on 2020 form sparks backlash

WASHINGTON - For the first time in 70 years, Americans will be asked to report their citizenship status when they fill out their 2020 Census forms, a change that angered immigrant advocates who fear it will harm minority representation and lead to a less-accurate census.

Arizona business leaders stress need for pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients

Arizona business leaders discuss DACA on same day President Donald Trump signs new spending bill.

Living in the margins: ‘Ecovillages’ take sustainability to personal level

Throughout Arizona, a number of commune ecovillages express a new sense of urgency, not just for sustainability but for community in general

3 major retailers across the country ban sale of guns, ammunition to customers younger than 21 years old

In a statement released Wednesday morning, Dick's CEO said they will no longer sell assault rifles or high capacity magazines.

Phoenix DACA recipients and advocates uncertain about SCOTUS decision

Today the United States Supreme Court declined to hear the case of Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of University of California. This was President Donald J. Trump administration's request to bypass the liberal-leaning federal appeals court to end the DACA program on March 5.

Congress takes a week off as DACA deadline looms, Dreamers fret

WASHINGTON - Despite days of open debate, the Senate failed to agree on immigration reform this week. With a March 5 deadline on DACA looming - and Congress on recess next week - there is little time to find a way to protect about 800,000 young immigrants who could face deportation.

Pima sheriff welcomes Sessions’ pledge to crack down on opioid fight

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Jeff Sessions' vow to not "cede a single community, one block or one street corner, to violent gangs and drug dealers" in the fight against opioids was well received at a meeting of sheriffs that included Pima County Sheriff Mark Napier.

Claims of better tribal school oversight draw lawmakers’ skepticism

WASHINGTON - A Bureau of Indian Education official told a House panel that his agency is making "strong improvements" in the oversight of tribal schools, despite a long history of problems and proposed cuts to the bureau's budget - claims greeted skeptically by lawmakers.

Arizona could allow tax payments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Senate Bill 1091 introduces two cryptocurrencies Arizonans could use to pay state taxes.

McCain backs immigration bill blasted as ‘waste of time’ by Trump

WASHINGTON - Sen. John McCain co-sponsored a bipartisan bill that gives DACA recipients a path to citizenship and calls for beefed-up border security - but excludes border wall funding, causing the president to brand it a "waste of time."

ASU professor’s STEM initiative puts Phoenix, Egyptian students in the same virtual classroom

The Leadership Through Problem-Based Learning Initiative is a STEM program available to young women at Xavier College Preparatory, a Catholic all-girls high school in Phoenix, and Al Farouk Islamic Language School in Cairo who problem-solve with real-world biology and physics problems.

Arizona medical-marijuana marketing becomes more mainstream

The marijuana industry's marketing efforts have matured since Arizona voters legalized its use in 2010, industry experts said. Many dispensaries now use "softer" terms to describe their projects.