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Buzz on rumored DACA deal dissolves to drone on what was really said

WASHINGTON - It was the greatest political deal that was - until it wasn't. Unless it still is. After Democratic leaders said Wednesday night that they had reached a deal with President Donald Trump to preserve DACA, without a border wall requirement, social media exploded - along with some Republican members of Congress.

Trump tweets Dreamers have “nothing to worry about” for six months, Twitter users react

PHOENIX — President Donald Trump’s tweet early Thursday morning about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, left some wondering what he meant exactly, with many Twitter users expressing confusion.

Advocates’ response to DACA decision is swift, broad-based, emotional

WASHINGTON - Immigration advocates vowed they would go to court to block a Trump administration plan to wind down a deferred deportation program for young immigrants, almost as soon as Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the plan Tuesday.

White House says phasing out DACA is least harmful to young immigrants

WASHINGTON - Trump administration officials defended their proposal to "wind down" a deferred deportation program over the next six months, calling it the least disruptive way of terminating a program that has protected 800,000 young immigrants.

Arizona lawmakers sour on plan to revoke DACA, vow to work on new bill

WASHINGTON - Arizona Democrats, joined by some Republicans, had harsh words for the Trump administration's Tuesday announcement that it will revoke the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unless Congress can agree on a replacement in six months.

Trump’s DACA decision brings tears, uncertainty, determination for recipients

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday President Donald Trump’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program constructed under the Obama Administration.

DACA recipeint

Ministers plan fast to support DACA as White House weighs program

WASHINGTON - Arizona minister Noel Andersen joined dozens of faith leaders outside the White House where they vowed Wednesday to mount a fast over the next week as the fate of a deferred deportation program for minors hangs in the balance.

Colonias on the border struggle with decades-old water issues

YUMA, Ariz. – Nestor Alaniz didn’t get a permit to build a well in his mother’s backyard, and he didn’t get it inspected.

woman in car

Arizona agencies send help to Hurricane Harvey victims

PHOENIX – Hundreds of Arizona residents are sending help to Texans displaced by Hurricane Harvey by donating money, food, supplies and other aid to Arizona relief organizations, sports groups, grocery stores and other businesses.


Arizona lawmakers praise, condemn Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

WASHINGTON - In Washington, reaction to President Donald Trump's pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was swift and strong.

President Trump grants pardon to former Sheriff Joe Arpaio

President Donald Trump has pardoned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the White House announced late Friday afternoon.

donald trump

Zinke recommends keeping all national monuments, downsizing some

WASHINGTON - Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Thursday he will not call for the removal of any national monuments but will recommend downsizing an unnamed "handful" of monuments in a report to the White House.