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Year of Medicaid ‘unwinding’ cuts 600,000, but renews nearly 2 million on state’s rolls

PHOENIX - One year after starting Medicaid unwinding, AHCCCS renewed Medicaid coverage for more than 2 million and disenrolled over 600,000 Arizona recipients.

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The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Southwest Health Reporting Initiative produces comprehensive coverage of health issues across the Southwest. Students report from communities of color but also focus on matters important to the LGBTQ+ community, rural America, people with disabilities, and others who struggle to get the health care they need. Our students’ storytelling aims to highlight not just problems, but solutions. Learn more about the program here.

Catherine Williams

Catherine Williams

Julio Cisneros

Julio Cisneros

Cronkite News has partnered with ABC15 Arizona to expand the station’s Health Insider series, which provides expert advice and insights into health topics. Watch our explainer videos here.