Search result for Erica Block

Senate to delay August recess, some House members push for same

WASHINGTON - Senate leaders said Tuesday that they will delay their traditional August recess by two weeks, a move that has some Arizona congressmen wondering if the House should do the same.

Arizona will comply with only some of White House’s voter data request

WASHINGTON - Arizona will comply with only some of a request from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for personal information on the state's 3.6 million registered voters, Secretary of State Michele Reagan said Friday.

Supreme Court may be eyeing state’s appeal on DACA driver’s licenses

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court this week moved to take a closer look at Arizona's bid to deny driver's licenses to recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, sparking concern among immigration-rights advocates.

Trump gets partial win from Supreme Court on stalled travel ban

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court said Monday that the Trump administration can proceed, for now, with a limited version of its restrictions on refugees and travelers from six majority-Muslim countries, a ban that critics called at thinly veiled Muslim ban.

Visa Reprieve

Arizona reaction to Senate health bill ranges from lukewarm to hostile

WASHINGTON - The Senate Republican plan to replace Obamacare was quickly attacked by Democrats and kept at arm's length by Arizona's Republican senators, who seemed less than eager to comment on a bill few had seen before its release Thursday.

Advocates, DHS officials caution that DACA future still up in the air

WASHINGTON - Buried in a Homeland Security memo last week that canceled a program to protect undocumented immigrant parents from deportation was a single line saying the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program "will remain in effect."

Advocates to fight Redskins’ name, despite court ruling in similar case

WASHINGTON - Native American advocates vowed Monday to continue their fight against the "racist" name of the Washington Redskins, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that use of such names is protected by the First Amendment.

Have you been blocked by President Trump on Twitter?

Many Americans who disagree with President Donald Trump have used Twitter as a means to criticize him and his agenda.

Ducey aide in Washington presses call for opioid prescription reform

WASHINGTON - Just days after Gov. Doug Ducey declared a health emergency in response to the state's opioid crisis, a top aide was in Washington to press the need to tighten regulation of opioid prescriptions.

White House’s Gold Star family event heartens some, leaves some wary

WASHINGTON - Glendale resident Kathy Upchurch was trying to see the positive in President Donald Trump's planned reception for Gold Star families Monday, but she was having a hard time getting past his run-ins last year with a Muslim Gold Star family.

Trump plan to exit Paris accord riles Arizona Democrats, warms GOP

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump said Thursday the United States will withdraw from a global agreement on emissions that "handicaps" the economy, a move that Arizona critics charged will end up harming both the economy and the environment.

Kicks on Route 66 may slow down if preservation money runs out

SELIGMAN – Nearly 32 years after Route 66 lost its designation as an official highway, one of the most storied routes in America could face another road block. The program created to preserve the road and landmarks along it is set to expire in two years.