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ASU study: Body cameras improve relationship between Tempe police officers and public

TEMPE – Police wearing body cameras can promote a good relationship between the community and police, including members of the public saying police officers treated them with respect, early results of an ongoing Arizona State University study show.

Hill offices juggle high demand, scant supply of inaugural tickets

WASHINGTON - With 198 inaugural tickets to hand out and requests from 500 constituents, Rep. Martha McSally, R-Tucson, turned to an expert to handle the distribution - Lady Luck.

Giles says veteran homelessness in Mesa nears ‘functional zero’

WASHINGTON - Mesa's efforts to get homeless veterans off the street is closing in on "functional zero," Mayor John Giles told an audience of fellow mayors in Washington Tuesday.

State excludes veterinarians from prescription drug database requirement

PHOENIX – Veterinarians must register with the Drug Enforcement Administration before they can prescribe narcotics. They must go through extensive training on how to treat animals in pain. And they must keep tight controls on the narcotics they keep in the office.

Sky Harbor had 24,247 noise complaints in 2015 after flight-path shift

WASHINGTON _ Neighbors of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport filed 24,247 complaints about noise at the facility in 2015, one of the highest rates among airports studied in a recent George Mason University report.

Flight Path

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Goodbye to posse is ‘last hurrah’

PHOENIX - Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio stood in a cold parking lot outside Park Central Mall on Monday evening and presided over one of his last press conferences.

Arizona voters on the future after Election 2016

Election 2016 has concluded, and the country will move forward with President-elect Donald Trump at the helm along with a Republican-controlled U.S. House and Senate. In Arizona, the minimum wage is going to increase, and Maricopa County will get a new sheriff. We asked readers and viewers what the United States and Arizona will look like in a year. Here are some of their responses:

Political mascots engage in civil conversation during Thanksgiving dinner. (Illustration by Roman Russo/Cronkite News)

Democrats delay, as House GOP keeps leaders after historic elections

WASHINGTON - House Republicans capped a tumultuous campaign season by unanimously re-electing their leadership team Tuesday, while Democrats delayed their vote to give them time to figure out how to move forward following a disastrous election.

Arizona’s Election Day a mix of high turnout, enthusiasm and frustrating problems

Arizona's Election Day was a mix of computer problems, long lines, frustration and enthusiasm as state races and a divisive presidential campaign drew high numbers of voters to the polls.

Arizona polls closing but several locations still have long lines

7 p.m. update: Arizona polls officially closed at 7 p.m., but long lines persist throughout the state. In the Valley, voters have reported a 3-hour wait at the Maryvale Church of the Nazarene, and a 90-minute wait at Quentin Elementary School in Avondale. Near the border, wait time exceeds 2 hours at St. Andrews Catholic Church in Sierra Vista; the line lasts an hour at the Yuma Civic Center; and 300 people remain in line at the Douglas Visitor Center.

Supreme Court lets ballot-collection law stand to cap week of legal fights

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday reinstated Arizona's ban on ballot-harvesting, just one day after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals put the law on hold.

Will Prop. 205 help Arizona vets treat their PTSD with pot?

TUCSON - The aroma of hot pizza fused with lingering marijuana smoke and Mick Jagger’s repeated cadence of “I can’t get no… sa-tis-fac-tion."