Political mascots engage in civil conversation during Thanksgiving dinner. (Illustration by Roman Russo/Cronkite News)
Election 2016 has concluded, and the country will move forward with President-elect Donald Trump at the helm along with a Republican-controlled U.S. House and Senate. In Arizona, the minimum wage is going to increase, and Maricopa County will get a new sheriff. We asked readers and viewers what the United States and Arizona will look like in a year. Here are some of their responses:
Steve Allsopp, Phoenix, Democrat
“Expect a much more far right conservative landscape. I think not much will change with regard to jobs or military engagements around the world. I believe our trade agreements will suffer and become more consequential than they already are.”
Debra Baldauff, Phoenix, Democrat
“I fear there is actually no ‘terrific’ plan Trump wants to replace the (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) with and millions of people will lose their health insurance overnight. … Racial tensions will escalate. This is a good thing if it leads to civil discourse, self reflection and change. It is a bad thing if it leads to violence and fear. … I worry that Trump will undermine past efforts to mitigate climate change.”
Daniel Cassidy, Phoenix, Independent
“Americanism, not globalism. Three words: Growth, More Growth, and lastly Even More Growth. Arizona will see more investment in the private sector which will bring jobs.”
Karen Cook, Paradise Valley, Democrat
“Arizona? What a mess! … If Trump begins deportations, it will be awful. We have wonderful undocumented immigrants here who work hard, and their loss would be a big one. … He can talk all he wants about being president to ALL of us, but I believe that he opened a can of worms with his hate speech.”
Louis Cespedes, Tucson, Republican
“We will be safer from terrorism. We will have secure borders, greater opportunities, less government.”
Lynn Dorsett, Scottsdale, Independent
“Many things will be destroyed; but that was the whole idea wasn’t it? A year from now we may be regretting our decision after learning that so many promises made during the campaign cannot be kept (bringing back coal, bringing back steel mills, exchanging automated factories for labor intensive ones.) … There will be no wall. … Arizona will be warmer and subject to more flooding because efforts to fight climate change have been shelved.”
Ryan Denke, Peoria, Libertarian
“Other than a more secure border I don’t expect much difference in one year.”
Henry GrosJean, Phoenix, Republican
“I think AZ’s economy will be strong and more diverse.”
Layne Gneiting, Mesa, Independent
“We get to choose whether or not to be divisive or inclusive. That’s OUR choice. But if I were to prophecy I would say the U.S. economy has taken a hit as it moves toward health (chaos almost always precedes order), we have stronger international ties BECAUSE we are focused on building America first and the international community respects that, and a general aura of hope and vision permeates much of America, Arizona included.”
Steven Isham, Avondale, Republican
“The United States will be well on the road to economic prosperity, universal health care, improved education, adherence to the rule of law, equity for all citizens under the law and recovery of generations of corrupt government. Arizona will be exactly the same. The same corrupt state government, the same ignoring of human rights of children and families, discrimination against blacks and Hispanics.”
Merrill Namock, Chino Valley, Republican
“Hopefully we can see some improvement for the middle class that has been forgotten.”
Greg Pratt, Tempe, Libertarian
“Most change is incremental. The president has significantly less impact on incremental change than the media would have us believe.”
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