In Focus: Season 3, Episode 3 – Neighborhood eco-watch

In the third episode of season 3 of In Focus, hosts Alexandra Watts and Atlan Hassard bring you stories about sustainable Arizona residents who engage with their communities.

Experts: Don’t look to monsoon season for weather relief any time soon

WASHINGTON - With Arizona in the grip of a years-long drought, conditions are ripe for spawning intense wildfires and haboobs from the high winds and lightning that typically form the early part of the monsoon season that begins in two weeks.

In midst of drought, Moon Valley, Lookout Mountain golf courses to stop irrigating with drinking water

PHOENIX – Arizona is in its 21st year of long-term drought but some golf courses are still using drinking water to irrigate. Two Phoenix golf courses developed a plan to change that.

New River to get new water supply, but can the deal control development in the area?

Communities north of Phoenix want to control water as a way to control development. But it’s not popular with everyone.

Phoenix, Buckeye among biggest-, fastest-growing cities in U.S. in 2017

WASHINGTON - Two Arizona cities were among the fastest-growing in the nation in 2017, according to new estimates by the Census Bureau, which said Phoenix saw the second-biggest growth, adding 65,852 new residents, and Buckeye posted the fifth-fastest growth rate at 5.9 percent.

Development in New River draws attention to subdivision laws

Residents of New River, still reeling from a water crisis, try to tackle a potentially illegal subdivision going up in their neighborhood.

Eagle eyes: Nest watchers safeguard the next generation of Arizona bald eagles

Nest watchers collect data that helps scientists understand how the eagles interact with the environment, alert biologists to birds in distress and keep people, paragliders and, more recently, drones, away from sensitive nest sites.

More than 4,000 acres of land in northern Arizona to be auctioned for gas and oil exploration

A Trump administration plan calls for auctioning off about 4,200 acres of public land for oil and gas development in northern Arizona.

Puerto Rico’s push for food independence intertwined with debate over statehood

Hurricane Maria has reignited a small movement in Puerto Rico aimed at strengthening the local food system so the island can survive and thrive without dependence on the mainland U.S.

In Focus: Season 3, Episode 2 – To conserve and protect

In the second episode of season 3 of In Focus, hosts Atlan Hassard and Alexandra Watts bring you stories about animal conservationists who are taking steps to protect native species.

Arizona’s water supply plagued by drought, SRP managers work to ensure steady supply

Water managers at Salt River Project say metro Phoenix has enough water, despite continued drought.

Advocacy group pushes back against seed saving prohibitions

Seed saving has been around for more than 10,000 years, but one group is worried the technique is threatened by seed companies.