Search result for Ally Carr

Arizona surveillance helps track Zika, but residents can help, too

WASHINGTON - Phoenix is one of the best regions in the nation when it comes surveillance of mosquitos that can carry the Zika virus, one of the hard science approaches that could help check the spread of the disease, an Arizona epidemiologist said Wednesday.

Arizona prepares for wildfire season with new aircraft

MESA — An air tanker that can streak to an Arizona wildfire to dump 3,000 pounds of flame retardant in record time is bringing the latest technology to fighting fires.

Arizona summit on Zika teaches health officials how to tackle virus

PHOENIX — Arizona health officials joined the global battle to fight the Zika virus in a daylong summit Tuesday, educating doctors and other medical professionals and emergency personnel on ways to prevent and handle the mosquito-born virus that causes devastating birth defects.

‘Gorilla-Snot’ solution a potential ‘long-term’ fix for I-10 dust problem

SCOTTSDALE -- Silly name. Serious solution. That’s what local Arizona company Soilworks calls its Gorilla-Snot fix to the blowing dust that resulted in a 62-mile stretch of Interstate 10 being closed multiple times during the past several weeks.

Vibrant Latino arts community reflects generational differences

PHOENIX - Scattered across the Valley are vibrant, visual homages to a rich past, present and future. Latino, Hispanic and Chicano art has had an iconic presence in the Southwest for hundreds of years, and nowhere is this presence more striking than in downtown Phoenix. Though Latino artists of all ages in Phoenix share this rich history, their art reflects it in distinct ways.

Valley artist Carlos Rivas, 36, works on a portion of a mural in downtown Phoenix.

Tempe campus bookstore closing after 49 years

TEMPE – For nearly 50 years, Arizona State University students have stopped at a Tempe bookstore to pick up school supplies. But the decades-long tradition will soon come to an end.

Window art at the closing bookstore in Tempe

Several Arizona voting stations see short lines for special election

MARICOPA - Voters moved quickly through the polls today as lines were almost non-existent at several election stations across Arizona.

electioneers img

Arizona battles gender pay gap through local efforts

The U.S. women’s national soccer team has won three of the seven FIFA world cups. It has taken home the Olympic gold all but once since 1996. It is the No. 1 team in the world, according to FIFA.

Ballot harvesting law could impact Latinos and seniors in general election

Arizona’s new law that criminalizes the collection of voters’ early ballots by volunteers could impact the ability of the elderly and Latinos to cast their votes, according to local voter outreach groups.

Jose Barboza, a volunteer for Promise Arizona, works to get people registered to vote.

What price a miracle? Limited access to hepatitis-C drug sparks debate

WASHINGTON - Jose Robles is the picture of health. And because of that, he has to remain sick, even though new drugs would likely cure him of the disease he's had since birth.

‘It’s hard to be a Gypsy in my town’

NORTHEASTERN HUNGARY — Maybe it’s because of the deep crow’s feet etched into his russet skin, but Milán “Igor” Hudák’s eyes look a little defiant as he scans the small Hungarian villages through a car window one early evening in March.

Three boys play near a dumpster as night falls in the Slovakian Gypsy ghetto.

Trump rally in Fountain Hills sparks First Amendment discussion

FOUNTAIN HILLS – When protesters blocked the roads leading into a Donald Trump in Arizona in March, the results were predictable. The instigators were arrested, cars were towed and traffic flowed normally.