Money from relatives in U.S. sustains many Mexican families
JALPAN de SERRA, Mexico – On a Saturday afternoon in March, a line forms inside a pet store in this city of 22,000 in the highlands of the state of Queretaro. But the people in line are not here to buy dog food.
Phoenix teacher takes in sights as she takes message to White House
WASHINGTON - It's a long way from the first-grade of Encanto Elementary School in Phoenix to a meeting in Washington with some of the nation's most powerful government officials, and teacher Michelle Doherty admitted Thursday that she was a little overwhelmed.
Arizona reflects split as GOP delays health care vote amid infighting
WASHINGTON - On the seventh anniversary of the Affordable Care Act's signing, House Republican hopes to vote on an Obamacare replacement were dashed Thursday when leaders failed to quell an uprising by conservatives in their own party.
Mexican presidential candidate files complaint against Trump policies
WASHINGTON - A leading candidate for the Mexican presidency filed a petition Wednesday in Washington that calls on President Donald Trump's administration to stop its "racist, discriminatory speech" and "massive" deportation aimed at Mexican migrants.
Lawmakers urge compromise, not ‘hyperpartisanship’ in Washington
WASHINGTON - Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, and Brookings Institution scholar Thomas Mann agree on one thing: Washington is stuck in partisan gridlock. But when it comes to the likelihood of a solution, the two are as divided as Congress itself.
Close, but no futuristic cigar: Teens finish second in engineering contest
WASHINGTON - The judges were impressed, but when the awards were announced at the Future City competition Tuesday the Veritas Homeschoolers team came up just short, finishing second in the national engineering contest.
Navajo official worries cuts under Trump will hurt tribal schools
WASHINGTON - The superintendent for Navajo schools said "alarming" calls for the Trump administration to eliminate Head Start funding could leave tribal children without preschool programs or the education resources they desperately need to succeed.
Experts say 19th century ‘Frankenstein’ offers 21st century message
WASHINGTON - For centuries, Frankenstein's monster was nothing more than a horrific fantasy, but for two Arizona State University professors it is very real and very modern.
Arizonans on hand as Trump signs orders on borders, immigration
WASHINGTON - As Arizona resident Steve Ronnebeck watched President Donald Trump sign an executive order to tighten U.S. borders and immigration policies Wednesday, he said he felt as if his slain son Grant finally had a voice.
Women’s March floods Mall with pink-hatted rebuke to Trump presidency
WASHINGTON - What was a sea of red hats Friday turned to a sea of pink Saturday, as the thousands who came to cheer President Donald Trump's inauguration were replaced by many thousands more protesting it.
Amid sea of MAGA hats, Arizonans relish moment of Trump inauguration
WASHINGTON - Tucson resident Greg Shimn knew he would have had a better view of the ceremonies from his couch back home, but there was no way he was going to miss the chance to be there in person for Donald Trump's inauguration.
Arpaio in Washington to enjoy Trump inauguration he said he called
WASHINGTON - Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was in Washington Thursday with a message for the rest of the country: Told you so.