Search result for Erica L. Lang

Trump’s DACA decision brings tears, uncertainty, determination for recipients

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday President Donald Trump’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program constructed under the Obama Administration.

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Tempe firm wins contract for construction of border wall prototype

WASHINGTON - A Tempe company was one of four firms named Thursday to build the first prototypes of President Donald Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico, Customs and Border Patrol officials announced.

Arizona lawmakers praise, condemn Trump’s pardon of Arpaio

WASHINGTON - In Washington, reaction to President Donald Trump's pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was swift and strong.

Trump hints of future pardon for Arpaio, scolds Arizona senators McCain, Flake

PHOENIX – President Donald Trump returned to Phoenix on Tuesday, greeted by warm temperatures and warmth from supporters crowded into the downtown Phoenix Convention Center and flinging heat about illegal immigration, the media and Arizona leaders.

Day of peaceful protests ends with tear gas as faction confronts police

PHOENIX - Police deployed tear gas, concussion grenades and pepper balls to disperse the crowd near the Phoenix Convention Center as tensions rose following a campaign-style rally Tuesday night by President Donald Trump and counterprotesters.

International students find assistance adjusting to life at U.S. universities

TEMPE – More than a million international students attend American colleges and universities, but often struggle with homesickness, learning the nuances of the English language and making friends outside of people from their home country.

Defense spending bill could include $1.6 billion to start border wall

WASHINGTON - Democrats are blasting a GOP plan to allocate $1.57 billion to begin construction of a border wall with Mexico, by slipping that language into a critical defense funding bill.

Outpouring of support for McCain comes from far – and weird

WASHINGTON - The outpouring of support following this week's announcement that Arizona Sen. John McCain has an aggressive brain tumor came from the expected Washington heavyweights, including current and former presidents, lawmakers and Cabinet members.

A McCain intern answers questions at Phoenix campaign headquarters. (Photo by Socorro Carrillo/Cronkite News)

Advocates: Obamacare repeal would ‘painfully disrupt’ Arizona care

WASHINGTON - A Senate proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act with no replacement plan in place "would immediately and painfully disrupt the health care system" and could force as many as 709,000 Arizonans off coverage, advocates said this week.

McCain reaction: News of brain cancer brings response from all sides

News that Arizona Sen. John McCain is battling brain cancer brought reaction from the White House, former presidents, allies and past opponents.

Arizona will comply with only some of White House’s voter data request

WASHINGTON - Arizona will comply with only some of a request from the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for personal information on the state's 3.6 million registered voters, Secretary of State Michele Reagan said Friday.

Hiring freeze lifted, Phoenix police seek diverse recruits

PHOENIX – It’s early morning as five Phoenix police recruits prepare to spend their day doing pushups and situps on an asphalt parking lot, clamber over a six-foot wall and hit the rubber track girdling the training grounds for a 1.5 mile run.