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Inspector general report says problems persist at Phoenix VA hospital

WASHINGTON - Two years after problems with health care were first uncovered at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs hospital, an inspector general's report released Tuesday said patients there "continued to encounter delays in obtaining" care.

Problems Persist

Lawmakers question credentials of new Phoenix VA director

WASHINGTON - Arizona lawmakers are expressing concern over the "questionable record" the newly appointed director of the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System racked up in her previous VA positions.

VA Chief

Artist discusses massive northern Arizona crater-based art installation

WASHINGTON - To mapmakers and geologists, it's Roden Crater, a volcanic cone outside Flagstaff. To artist James Turrell, who has spent his career working with light installations, it's his "unfinished dissertation," a massive art project that he started almost 40 years ago and for which he has no estimated opening date.

Crater Creator

AZ educators get creative in finding solutions to growing teacher shortage

GILBERT – Suzanne Zentner stood in front of the high school students and their parents gathered in the library of Gilbert High School on a recent evening and got right to the point.

Grand Canyon tram proposal sparks ire, awe from Navajo Nation to Germany

PHOENIX – As a child, Renae Yellowhorse chased birds through the sagebrush on the Navajo reservation along the edge of the Grand Canyon.

McCain and Kirkpatrick schedule first debate

Arizona’s two major U.S. Senate candidates, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Flagstaff, and Republican Sen. John McCain, will face one another in an October debate.

Former MLB catcher Chad Moeller finds passion in teaching

SCOTTSDALE - Seven jerseys hang on the wall of the Scottsdale Batting Cages, home to Chad Moeller Baseball.


Rose Mofford, Arizona’s first female governor, dies at 94

PHOENIX – Rose Mofford, Arizona's first female secretary of state and first female governor, died Thursday at a Phoenix hospice center. She was 94.

AZ Dems: Hillary “deplorables” statement, pneumonia won’t hurt voter outreach

PHOENIX - Melrose Brown, a 17-year-old African American high school student, moved to Phoenix two years ago from Minnesota. Since then, she said, she has witnessed several instances of racism.

Southern Arizona residents take border security gripes to Congress

WASHINGTON - Two southern Arizona residents told a House panel Tuesday that their communities have grown more dangerous due to what they see as a lack of security at the Arizona-Mexico border.

For Congress, lots to do, little time and looming elections

WASHINGTON - House members came together on the steps of the Capitol Friday to mark the 15th anniversary of 9/11, listening to speeches, joining with the U.S. Marine Band in a rendition of "God Bless America" and observing a moment of silence.

Activists, tribes hail EPA’s Superfund designation for Gold King Mine

WASHINGTON - Environmental and tribal activists welcomed the government's announcement Wednesday that it had designated the Gold King Mine a Superfund site, advancing the cleanup of an area contaminated by a multimillion-gallon toxic spill last year.