Search result for Cronkite News Staff

Ports of entry in Arizona face infrastructure and staffing challenges

PHOENIX – From a farm or a maquila in Sonora, Mexico to a supermarket store in Chicago, the journey of products coming from Mexico is a long, sometimes slow one. But according to border experts and officials, it’s during customs inspections at the border where the process gets delayed the most because ports of entry are understaffed and their need for investment is often overlooked.

ASU rescinds Cronkite Award given to Charlie Rose in 2015

The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication has rescinded the 2015 award of excellence given to news anchor Charlie Rose after the longtime anchor was accused of several instances of sexual misconduct.

Charlie Rose

Snowbowl bypasses Mother Nature, makes own snow for opening

FLAGSTAFF – If it wasn’t for little more than a mile stretch of man-made snow spanning 25 acres atop the Arizona Snowbowl, one might think it was summer in Flagstaff.


ASU ‘evaluating’ whether Charlie Rose will keep 2015 Cronkite Award

PHOENIX — Arizona State University officials are “evaluating” the 2015 award presented to former CBS anchor Charlie Rose by the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, after the Washington Post detailed allegations of sexual harassment made by eight women.

Charlie Rose

Domestic violence: A deadly problem among Native American communities

PHOENIX — Kayla White was 12 years old that winter morning when her life was changed forever. On Jan. 2, 2009, White’s mother was killed by her father, becoming a victim of domestic violence.

Kayla White and her mother.

Giffords assures crowd at Capitol ceremony she’s ‘still fighting’

WASHINGTON - It's been almost six years since Gabrielle Giffords walked the halls of the Capitol, but her time away does not appear to have reduced the number of friends and supporters the former Tucson congresswoman has here.

Backers hope Route 66 ‘historic trail’ designation can drive tourism

WASHINGTON - Anyone who doubts the lure of Route 66 should talk to Winslow Chamber of Commerce CEO Bob Hall, who said that capitalizing on the historic highway was key to revitalization of the historic downtown.

Hunters may be solution to reducing destructive bison herd at Grand Canyon

GRAND CANYON – A spring used to rush through a hillside on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, nourishing bats, mule deer and other wildlife — that is, until bison trampled the watering hole into a mud puddle.


Hopi to elect new leaders as planned plant closure threatens tribe’s financial future

SECOND MESA – Houses and corn fields dot the Hopi reservation, spread across three mesas in northeastern Arizona and circled by the much larger Navajo Nation. The seemingly barren Hopi land carries a rich, centuries old history and, now, an uncertain economic future.

Hop dance

Forest bill aimed at cutting wildfires called ‘giveaway’ to loggers

WASHINGTON - A divided House on Wednesday approved a bill that supporters said would boost wildfire prevention efforts, in part by excluding forests from environmental requirements.

Tucson latest Arizona airport to roll out new TSA screening policy

DULLES, Virginia - Tucson International last week became the latest airport in Arizona to roll out enhanced security measures that will require travelers to put any electronic device larger than a cell phone into a separate bin.

Arizona State Fair officials say there have been no serious injuries at the fair this year

PHOENIX – How safe are the rides at the state fair?
