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‘Death is not new to us’: High school gun-control activists plan Phoenix March For Our Lives

High school students are spending hours prepping for the Phoenix rally of March for Our Lives, a nationwide movement on Saturday.

Flagstaff officials, then Gov. Ducey, ask for tighter controls of gun sales, more mental health money

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Flagstaff officials and legislative candidates are all proposing school safety reforms in the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida shooting

Herd mentality: Arizona sends 60 elk to restore West Virginia population

Arizona elk arrived last weekend to West Virginia in an effort to help restore their once extinct elk population.

17 lives, 17 minutes: Students rally, walk out of schools to mark one month since the Parkland shooting

Students are gathering at the Arizona Capitol, walk out of schools across the state and nation to protest gun violence.

‘We deserve better:’ 17-year-old activist joins legislators calling for gun control laws

A teenage activist, Democratic lawmakers and an educator called for Arizona to pass gun control laws. A Republican-controlled Legislature has stymied such bills this session saying they are unnecessary.

Shifting gears: Female mechanic empowers women to enter automotive world

A female auto-repair shop owner works to increase the number of women in a male-dominated industry.

Democrat who lost Tuesday primary for Congress eyes August do-over

WASHINGTON - Even before losing the Democratic primary in the special election to replace former Rep. Trent Franks, Brianna Westbrook had her sights set on a fall primary when the seat will be up again. Hours after Tuesday's loss, she said she already has 800 petition signatures for an August bid.

Sen. Jeff Flake and injured coach reflect on congressional baseball game shooting

Cronkite News reporter, Noëlle Lilley, returns to Washington, D.C., to follow-up on the aftermath of a shooting that targeted Republican members of Congress nine months ago.

Lesko, Tipernini win hotly contested District 8 congressional primary

WASHINGTON - Voters went to the polls Tuesday for a special primary election to replace former Rep. Trent Franks, R-Glendale, but the nearly 2,000 who had showed up by late morning were dwarfed by the more than 101,000 mail-in ballots in the race.

Student protesters march in Phoenix, call for removal of school resource officers

Students and activists marched through downtown Phoenix Friday calling for the removal of school resource officers from Arizona schools, saying they inspire fear in students of color.

Arizona public schools still working to get lead out of drinking water

Less than half of Arizona school districts working to complete corrective action on water fixtures containing elevated lead levels found after ADEQ voluntary screening process.