Search result for Will Stone

Election Day polling place problems, yes; intimidation, not so much

WASHINGTON - Voting rights advocates for months had warned about possible voter intimidation at the polls, but voting watchdogs Tuesday were dealing with more routine problems: Long lines, computer issues and a lack of language assistance at polling locations.

Cactus League a big winner regardless of World Series outcome

PHOENIX – No matter who wins Wednesday’s climactic Game 7 of the World Series between the long-suffering Cleveland Indians and longer-suffering Chicago Cubs, Arizona wins.

Democrats sue Trump, GOP, to stop what they call voter intimidation

WASHINGTON - The Arizona Democratic Party has filed suit against presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign, the Arizona Republican Party and others for what it calls a coordinated effort to "depress voter turnout," particularly among minority voters.

Tebow’s presence draws crowds to Arizona Fall League

SCOTTSDALE – Tim Tebow leans against the backstop netting at Scottsdale Stadium, fielding questions from reporters.

Weary hikers rest on memorial benches in AZ mountains

MESA – Debra Hartin's family remembers a woman who lived her life fiercely, with few limits. She rowed canoes in the Minnesota wilderness, her clothes drenched from rain. She swam in a triathlon, sharing the running and biking with her sister and niece. She hiked trails in Usery Mountain Regional Park — her favorite park in the Valley.

Women’s hockey growing in the desert

PHOENIX - It’s getting colder in the desert. “We’re not a hockey state but we are starting to get there,” said Jordan Nash-Boulden, an Arizona State women’s hockey player.

women's hockey-800

Make money by conserving water in Arizona’s Verde Valley

VERDE VALLEY – The valley is tucked south of the red rocks of Sedona, lush with greenery and alive with wildlife that flock to the banks of the river running through it.

Southern Arizona residents take border security gripes to Congress

WASHINGTON - Two southern Arizona residents told a House panel Tuesday that their communities have grown more dangerous due to what they see as a lack of security at the Arizona-Mexico border.

Judge rules 18 votes to be counted in tight congressional primary

PHOENIX – A judge on Friday ordered 18 disputed votes to be counted in the congressional Republican primary between Christine Jones and Andy Biggs, putting a race divided by a sliver of votes into further disarray.

Arizona poll: Clinton, Trump in dead heat with almost a quarter of voters undecided

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are neck and neck in the presidential race in Arizona with more than 20 percent of the state's likely voters undecided, according to an Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News Poll. [su_pullquote align="right"]

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At 102, Prescott woman’s seen a lot; with Clinton nomination she’s seen it all

PHILADELPHIA - Jerry Emmett didn’t think she would live to see her mother win the right to vote – much less to see the first woman win a major U.S. party presidential nomination.

Sanders plea for followers to back Clinton divides supporters

PHILADELPHIA – Cheers from a packed room of Bernie Sanders’ followers turned to boos Monday, as the Vermont senator renewed his endorsement of his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, and urged them to do the same.