Search result for Will Stone

Trump plan to exit Paris accord riles Arizona Democrats, warms GOP

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump said Thursday the United States will withdraw from a global agreement on emissions that "handicaps" the economy, a move that Arizona critics charged will end up harming both the economy and the environment.

Medical marijuana cardholders grow new businesses

PHOENIX – Marijuana businesses are growing in Arizona.

Think roses can’t grow in the Arizona desert? Rose industry flourishes here.

LITCHFIELD PARK – When you think roses, you might think California. But last year, Arizona exported about 75 percent of the rosebushes in the U.S., local rose grower Tyler Francis said.

Arizona food deserts: How can leaders and residents address the issue?

PRESCOTT – When the residents of Paulden want to buy more than just basic groceries, they must drive to the next town over in Chino Valley to find a full-service grocery store.

Arizona universities push for gender equality when hiring faculty

PHOENIX -- Usha Jagannathan applied for a full-time community college teaching position year after year for more than a decade. Within 13 years of graduating from her doctoral program in Technology and E-learning from Northcentral University, she worked as many as three jobs at a time.

Arizona’s Old West history plays important role in state tourism

WILLIAMS – On a cold night in April just after 10 p.m., the bellow of a train echoes throughout the quiet town of Williams. Four hours later, another train passes.

Advocates fear Superfund budget cuts further delay cleanup of sites

WASHINGTON - In the nine years since the former smelter near her house in Dewey-Humboldt was added to the Environmental Protection Agency's list of toxic Superfund sites, Rose Eitemiller said she's seen some progress. But not much.

Mexican anti-poverty program is model for the world

ALMEACO DE BONFIL, Mexico - For the family of Sofia Aristeo Serdan, financial success is measured in small steps.

NAFTA’s impact: Real or imagined, Trump campaigned on promise to renegotiate it, bring work back to U.S.

PHOENIX - The rolling, golden hills and towering mountains of southern Arizona sit under the bright morning sun in mid-March, providing the backdrop as a private jet skids to a halt along the runway at a small airport outside of Nogales, Ariz.

Southern California All-American lends big hand to young yoga students

LOS ANGELES -- Later this month, Zach Banner’s name will be called at the NFL Draft, whereupon he’ll leave the college comforts of Southern California and begin a life of professional size and skill.

Phoenix slips in national ranking of cities for solar energy capacity

WASHINGTON - Phoenix fell from third to fifth place among cities for total installed solar capacity last year, slowed by charges imposed on Arizona solar users at time when other cities surged ahead with new installation.

UA partners with company to make concrete out of byproduct from coal mining

TUCSON – The University of Arizona has partnered with a private manufacturing firm to create a more eco-friendly version of concrete.