Search result for Erica L. Lang

Flake will not seek 2018 re-election for Senate seat

PHOENIX - Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced Tuesday he would not seek re-election in 2018.

Advocates urge colleges to aid DACA students, lawmakers urge restraint

WASHINGTON - Colleges and universities may not be able to change immigration law, but they can do more to help those students faced with losing their protection from deportation.

‘Tour de Hispanica’ a celebration of language and culture

PHOENIX — Hispanic Heritage Month is observed across the United States from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and it celebrates the cultures, customs and traditions of many Latin countries.


Graham optimistic about chances for Franks’ abortion bill in Senate

WASHINGTON - Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, on Thursday promised a vote "sooner rather than later" on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which passed the House earlier this week but has regularly died in the Senate.

Giffords to Congress: ‘The nation is counting on you’ after Las Vegas

WASHINGTON - Former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords turned and shook her fist toward the Capitol Monday after telling lawmakers "the nation is counting on you" to act in the wake of Sunday's mass shooting in Las Vegas.

As border wall prototype construction starts, Arizona geographer speaks up

PHOENIX - Leaving behind violence and poverty, a Central American family travels thousands of miles by foot, train, and bus. Once they finally arrive at the U.S. border, they have one more difficult decision to make: carry a bag full of marijuana and cross the desert with some help, or risk their life and cross alone.

Border Patrol

McCain to vote against health care bill, likely dooming GOP effort

WASHINGTON - Sen. John McCain said Friday that he cannot "in good conscience" vote for the latest plan to replace Obamacare, a surprise announcement that may have killed the bill for Senate leaders who can only afford to lose two GOP votes.

Trump deals with Democrats and DREAMers decide whether to believe

PHOENIX — “It’s like another board game for them. Both the Democrats and the Trump administration. It’s always a game and they’re gambling with our lives,” Francisco Luna said.

Buzz on rumored DACA deal dissolves to drone on what was really said

WASHINGTON - It was the greatest political deal that was - until it wasn't. Unless it still is. After Democratic leaders said Wednesday night that they had reached a deal with President Donald Trump to preserve DACA, without a border wall requirement, social media exploded - along with some Republican members of Congress.

Trump tweets Dreamers have “nothing to worry about” for six months, Twitter users react

PHOENIX — President Donald Trump’s tweet early Thursday morning about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, left some wondering what he meant exactly, with many Twitter users expressing confusion.

Little People group says wrestling event in Chandler hurts, discriminates

CHANDLER - Leaders of the Phoenix area chapter of the Little People of America are upset organizers of a Chandler festival hired and promoted an “extreme midget wrestling” event, saying the term is derogatory, painful and may violate federal laws protecting people with disabilities.

Mother and daughter

Arizona lawmakers sour on plan to revoke DACA, vow to work on new bill

WASHINGTON - Arizona Democrats, joined by some Republicans, had harsh words for the Trump administration's Tuesday announcement that it will revoke the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unless Congress can agree on a replacement in six months.