Search result for Anthony Marroquin

Lawmakers host kids of deported mom to send message to Trump

WASHINGTON - Angel and Jacqueline Garcia de Rayos could have spent Tuesday celebrating their mother's 36th birthday, but the Mesa teens instead spent it in Washington instead to protest her deportation.

Ducey presses governors on need for civics education like Arizona’s

WASHINGTON - Gov. Doug Ducey urged fellow governors this weekend to follow Arizona's lead and implement civics requirements in schools to help improve the nation's civic and political engagement.

State officials welcome feds’ reversal of transgender students rule

WASHINGTON - Arizona officials Thursday welcomed the federal government's reversal of an Obama administration rule that required equal access to school facilities for transgender students, arguing that communities are better able to handle the issue locally.

75 years later, Japanese detainees reflect on painful part of U.S. past

WASHINGTON - Seishi Oka was 5 and his sister, Mitzi, only 3, when their family was loaded on to a train and taken from their Salinas, California, home to the Poston War Relocation Center in Arizona.

Agencies seek help fighting ‘sophisticated’ criminal threat at border

WASHINGTON - Despite efforts to secure U.S. points of entry, drug cartels have the networks, money and technology to continue smuggling drugs into the U.S., law enforcement officials told a House committee Thursday.

State of Indian Nations: Hopeful, but cautious, as Trump replaces Obama

WASHINGTON - Tribal leaders said they hope to see a continuation of the gains in tribal and federal relations under the Trump administration that they said began during the administration of President Barack Obama.

Kelly vows to get local input as feds seek way to close southern border

WASHINGTON - Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told a House panel Tuesday that a wall will help close the "gaping wound" of the U.S-Mexico border, but that he will rely on local authorities to tell his department where and how to close the border.

Trump bars refugees to U.S. for 120 days, bars Syrians indefinitely

WASHINGTON - Jamal Saleh fled violence and police brutality in his native Syria in 2013, resettling in Phoenix with his wife and seven children, but leaving his farm, his beloved hometown, his brother and his sisters back in Syria.

March for Life crowd younger, optimistic for pro-life gains under Trump

WASHINGTON - Paula Mercado, 18, has prayed at Planned Parenthood facilities and taken part in anti-abortion protests in Arizona, but Friday found the Tucson teen on the National Mall with thousands of others pro-life protesters, many of them millennials.

Women’s March floods Mall with pink-hatted rebuke to Trump presidency

WASHINGTON - What was a sea of red hats Friday turned to a sea of pink Saturday, as the thousands who came to cheer President Donald Trump's inauguration were replaced by many thousands more protesting it.

Phoenix grant program tries to improve city one block at a time

PHOENIX – When Becky Vining moved into her home near Grand and 15th avenues, she wasn't looking for upscale accommodations. She just wanted a place where she and her husband could paint and play music without neighbors calling the police on them.