Arizona lawmakers, House split in vote against transgender military ban

WASHINGTON - Two days after courts removed the last hurdle to a Trump administration ban on transgender military service, the House voted 238-185 to condemn the ban - but not block it. Arizona lawmakers, like the rest of the House, split on party lines for the vote.

Training, change in tactics can reduce dangers to police officers handling drugs

PHOENIX – Newer and more powerful drugs like fentanyl and concerns for officer safety have complicated once routine police work, such as field testing suspected drugs. An Arizona toxicologist and some law-enforcement agencies said training makes a difference. Vertical: Government/health

Water officials press Senate on urgency of Colorado River drought plan

WASHINGTON - The director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources joined other state and federal water officials who told a Senate panel that there is an "urgent need" to authorize a multistate drought contingency plan for the Colorado River basin.

Proposed budget cuts for Special Olympics concern those who could be impacted in Arizona

PHOENIX – With news of a budget proposal that calls for eliminating funding for the Special Olympics, those in Arizona who could be impacted by the cuts express concern.

Republicans blast Green New Deal, Democrats say GOP is playing politics

WASHINGTON - Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was one of just three Democrats to vote against the "Green New Deal," as the expansive environmental bill faced its first test vote in the Senate and a renewed round of criticism from Republicans who called it a job killer

Pentagon moves ahead on border wall, as House can’t override Trump veto

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump's proposed border wall continued to inch forward this week, as the Democrat-controlled House failed Tuesday to block the border emergency declaration that let the Pentagon approve $1 billion in wall work Monday.

When life gives you lemons: Arizona might declare lemonade as its state drink

PHOENIX – Senate Government Committee voted 6-1 to advance a bill that would make lemonade Arizona’s state drink.

For most Arizona lawmakers, Mueller report is not the end of the issue

WASHINGTON - Arizona lawmakers' reactions to the report on the Mueller investigation were much like the summary itself - open to interpretation depending on which side of the aisle was talking and far from the last word on the topic.

An exoneration of the president? Democrats, legal experts say it’s too soon to tell

PHOENIX – Several members of the Arizona congressional delegation gave their take on Attorney General William Barr’s summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

Jobs, recreation, high rents and traffic: Four ways a growing population changes Arizona

PHOENIX – Growth in the Southwest brings jobs and city plans for recreational development to Arizona, but also clogs roads and leads to rent hikes.

McSally talks about sexual assault task force, funding for border wall

GLENDALE – Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., speaks about a task force that aims to combat sexual assault in the military and funding for a border wall.

Trump attacks on McCain seem to be stirring up support for late senator

WASHINGTON - It's no secret that President Donald Trump is not a fan of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain, but instead of weakening the McCain fan club the president's latest string of attacks, from weekend tweets to a speeh Wednesday, may be having the opposite effect.