West Phoenix piano teacher’s lessons go beyond music

Christmas songs play from a piano and echo throughout the halls of a West Phoenix home.

Carol Whaley photo

Robotics students share creations at ‘Roboception’

Want to get teens interested in engineering? Host a ‘Roboception.’ It's a reception for students show off their creations in the field of robotics.

Arizona tuition program enables foster youth to earn college degree

A series of “unfortunate circumstances” early in Breanna Carpenter’s sophomore year of high school placed her in the Arizona foster care system. That didn’t stop her from realizing her dream of attending college, thanks to a state program that pays tuition for foster youth.

Mesa Community College fighting to keep Red Mountain Campus open

A decline in enrollment at Mesa Community College's Red Mountain location has faculty fighting to keep the 15-year old campus from closing. (Video by Kendall Bartley/Cronkite News)

AzMERIT low scores may help students long-term

The release of individual school, district and county AzMERIT scores on Nov. 30 confirmed that Arizona’s students do not meet state and national educational standards.

AzMERIT test: 66 percent of students fail in reading

Only 34 percent of Arizona students passed their English test in the state’s newest standardized assessment, according to results released Monday by the Arizona Department of Education.

Arizona universities to add 60,000 students by 2025

Expansion of student populations across Arizona’s three major universities is underway as the Arizona Board of Regents approved a new metrics goal for the year 2025.

Arizona State University is already the nation’s largest public institution. (Photo by Mitch Quesada/Cronkite News)

Schools gather canned goods to help food banks provide holiday meals

Many families will wake up to the smell of a turkey already roasting in the oven, potatoes boiling for mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and apple pies in the oven with a stove full of pots cooking the traditional trimmings of a Thanksgiving meal, all thanks to help from some Valley schools and local charities.

St. Vincent De Paul photo

Arizona PIRG Education Fund reminds consumers to be cautious while shopping this holiday season

With Black Friday coming and Christmas in one month, buying toys will be at the top of the list for many parents.

Brophy College Preparatory student wins journalism award

One Brophy College Preparatory student is being recognized for excellence in journalism. Reece Krantz realizes creating a newspaper is a team effort.

ASU student coach excelling in wheelchair basketball

On advice of a physical therapist, David Gonzales took up the game and now coaches the ASU wheelchair team.

wheelchair basketball

Scholarships help families with special needs education

Arizona ranked No. 1 for the best state to live in because of how well state Medicaid programs serve those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, according to a study released this year by United Cerebral Palsy.