Search result for Emma Lockhart

Military accepts transgender recruits, but advocates won’t give up fight

WASHINGTON - Transgender individuals will be able to openly enlist, re-enlist and serve in the military beginning Jan. 1. Advocates in Arizona welcomed the shift, but don't believe this is the end of their fight.

Despite more judges, immigration courts backlog grows to record high

WASHINGTON - Immigration court cases waiting to be heard hit an all-time high of 607,755 in June - 10,031 of them in Arizona - despite the hiring of more judges and a Trump administration directive to expedite cases.

Despite best efforts, years of drought leave state little room for error

WASHINGTON - Arizona's top water official told a congressional committee Wednesday that even though the state has done a lot right, years of drought still threaten to push the region into a water emergency in the next few years.

Arizona lawmakers blast Trump’s tweeted ban on transgender soldiers

WASHINGTON - The response from Arizona lawmakers was swift and clear Wednesday after President Donald Trump said in a series of early-morning tweets that transgender individuals would not be able to serve "in any capacity" in the military.

McCain cajoles, condemns, coerces Senate in emotional return

WASHINGTON - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gave Sen. John McCain 16 minutes of floor time Tuesday and McCain used every minute of it, capping an already emotional return to the Senate with a call to action for his fellow lawmakers that hit every emotion on the scale.

Pork barreling on: Report shows ‘pork barrel’ spending continues rise

WASHINGTON - Despite the "tireless work" of Arizona Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain, the number and cost of pork-barrel projects have continued to rise, jumping by over 30 percent this year, a new report says.

Flake: McCain ‘sounded great,’ as experts debate severity of condition

WASHINGTON - Sen. Jeff Flake said fellow Arizona Sen. John McCain "sounded great" in a phone conversation Monday, just three days after McCain underwent surgery to have a blood clot removed from above his left eye.

Arizona protesters arrested at Flake’s D.C. office in health care rally

WASHINGTON - As calls of "Trumpcare kills" and "health care is a human right" echoed through the halls of Capitol office buildings Monday, Lauren Klinkhamer stood quietly in Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake's office and told staffers, "I don't want to die."

Arizona among growing number of states to reject voter data request

WASHINGTON - Arizona's decision to deny voter data to a White House panel on election integrity puts it in line with many states, 44 of which had said by Wednesday that they will deny the request in whole or in part.

Civics Lessened

Safe at home? Not if home is Arizona, new report card on safety says

WASHINGTON - Arizona got an "F" for its safety policies, scoring particularly poorly on traffic safety, in a new national ranking of how well states are prepared to deter preventable deaths.

Trump gets partial win from Supreme Court on stalled travel ban

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court said Monday that the Trump administration can proceed, for now, with a limited version of its restrictions on refugees and travelers from six majority-Muslim countries, a ban that critics called at thinly veiled Muslim ban.

Visa Reprieve

Chemical attraction: Scottsdale teen in national chemistry competition

WASHINGTON - You might not know which chemical element in the Hope Diamond has the largest molecular mass, but an eighth-grader from Scottsdale does.