GOP VP nominee Mike Pence promises conservative change at Mesa rally

MESA — Mike Pence, the Republican vice presidential nominee, delivered a message of family, faith and conservative policy at Living Word Bible Church Thursday night.

Unpredictable AZ Sanders supporters still feel the Bern

PHOENIX - In 1960, when he was a young boy, Larry Ward became aware of the political world around him. An exciting young president, John F. Kennedy, had just been elected.

Bernie Supporters

Democrats increase Latino voter outreach in Arizona

PHOENIX - The Democratic Party in Arizona is increasing outreach to Latino voters as polls show the gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump narrowing.

Arizona poll: Clinton, Trump in dead heat with almost a quarter of voters undecided

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are neck and neck in the presidential race in Arizona with more than 20 percent of the state's likely voters undecided, according to an Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News Poll. [su_pullquote align="right"]

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Donald Trump’s hardline immigration plan unveiled in Arizona

PHOENIX - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump returned from a controversial visit to Mexico's “wonderful wonderful” President Enrique Peña Nieto on Wednesday evening in time to unveil his hardline immigration policy to an enthusiastic crowd gathered in the Phoenix Convention Center.

Presidential campaign giving lags in Arizona, elsewhere in U.S.

WASHINGTON - Arizonans have been relatively stingy with their presidential donations this year, contributing $8.4 million as of August, well off the 2012 pace when residents forked over $21.9 million by the end of the presidential campaign.

Arizona Latino Trump supporters hold fast

PHOENIX - Jose Gonzalez doesn’t wear a “Make America Great Again” hat, or have Donald Trump bumper stickers on his truck. He’s not planning to attend the Republican presidential candidate’s rally in Phoenix on Wednesday, and as an evangelical Christian pastor he said he doesn’t share his political views from the pulpit.

August 3, 2016 Newscast

Pence's town hall, Phoenix roads flood and healing with the harp.

8 things Arizonans love or loathe about Donald Trump

PHOENIX — He’s a businessman who is better for American politics. He’s self-centered and unscrupulous.

Aug. 1, 2016 | Cronkite News

November elections, McCain's statement on Trump and women in medicine

July 21, 2016 Newscast

Bonding over Cruz, millennials at the RNC and a call for GOP unity.

Ted Cruz

The Real Donald means real business for Faux Donald

CLEVELAND - Donald Trump loves many things, including Arizona and its eponymous iced tea. But just like that tea is not brewed in Arizona, this Trump is not the Donald.