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Arizona PIRG Education Fund reminds consumers to be cautious while shopping this holiday season

With Black Friday coming and Christmas in one month, buying toys will be at the top of the list for many parents.

Cronkite News: Nov. 24, 2015

This edition of Cronkite News focuses on how an ACLU police app is keeping people safer in the Valley.

Consumer Reports: Not all tire treads performs equally

Before you pack up and head out for your Thanksgiving trip, you may want to give your car some extra attention, especially your tires. It’s a simple step and could mean the difference between being stuck on the side of the road for Thanksgiving or seated at the dinner table with family and friends.

Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema helps United Food Bank feed the hungry

MESA – The sounds of cans clinking, packing tape tearing, and boxes stacking filled United Food Bank’s Nina Warehouse on Monday morning. It was a melody created by 25 volunteer worker bees feverishly moving along an assembly line.

Ducey asks federal committee for resources to battle drugs

Arizona started a program in September to combat drug smuggling on the border and the state needs more money and resources to move the plan forward, Gov. Doug Ducey said at a Homeland Security field hearing on Monday.

Cronkite News: Nov. 23, 2015

This edition of Cronkite News focuses on how Sens. John McCain, Jeff Flake and other political leaders met to discuss the state's role in the national heroin epidemic.

Mesa Public Library adds to the environment with a seed library

MESA – Hoping to dispel the notion that there is a “very outdated perception of libraries as stuffy places with shelves,” the Mesa Public Library has started a seed library, where patrons can use the free seeds to start a garden, according to librarian Cherise Mead.

Chandler pharmaceutical company sees rapid financial gains, but faces legal scrutiny over pain meds

CHANDLER – Insys Therapeutics Inc.’s headquarters lie nestled in an unassuming building complex in Chandler, its only distinguishing feature being the large company logo emblazoned near its roof.

Arizona Muslims worry about backlash following Paris attacks

Imam Ahmad Shqeirat at the Islamic Community Center of Tempe and others who attend services there worry about a growing backlash after the terrorist attacks in Paris.

The Qur’ân sits on a bookshelf at a Mosque in Tempe. (Photo by Alicia Clark/Cronkite News)

Cronkite News: Nov. 20, 2015

This edition of Cronkite News is our weekly recap show that highlights the top stories shared on social media.

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Heroin’s deadly grip claims another young addict as overdoses continue to climb

Just a few days after promising to go back to drug treatment, David Richter went on the last heroin binge of his life. He overdosed and died on his bathroom floor.

heroin photo

Arizona has high youth drug deaths, few policies to curb them

WASHINGTON - Arizona had among the highest rates of teen and young adult overdose deaths, and ranked poorly for programs and policies to curb drug use and encourage healthy living among those age groups, a new report says.