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Borderlands Theater has been putting on a show for three decades in Tucson

TUCSON – Nestled among the sprawling buildings around the Tucson Convention Center is the Sosa-Carrillo-Frémont House, home to Borderlands Theater and the Arizona Historical Society offices.

Congress rescinds rule limiting internet collection of customer data

WASHINGTON - The House voted Tuesday to repeal an Obama-era regulation that would have required internet service providers to get explicit consent before selling customer data, a policy that critics said would have stifled business.

cybersecurity lock

ASU outfielder Hunter Bishop lives ‘4MOM’ with Alzheimer’s

PHOENIX – Hunter Bishop leans up against the railing of the dugout at Phoenix Municipal Stadium, sunflower seeds stuffing his mouth. Every part of him – except for maybe his slender 6-foot-5 frame – looks the part of an ordinary Division I baseball player. However, there’s more to the Arizona State freshman outfielder.

Supreme Court justices have sharp questions in Arizona divorce case

WASHINGTON - Chief Justice John Roberts had pointed questions for attorneys arguing on behalf of an Arizona woman whose fight to regain some of her ex-husband's pension payments landed before the U.S. Supreme Court Monday.

Undocumented families use art to heal emotional wounds

Phoenix— “No estamos solos,” words meaning “we are not alone," rang out at an art workshop for undocumented immigrants and their families led by Aliento, an organization that uses art to promote healing.

Gabrielle Giffords creates AZ gun-safety coalition

PHOENIX – Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who became a gun-control advocate after a gunman shot her in the head while opening fire at a constituent rally six years ago, on Thursday announced an Arizona coalition to promote gun safety and prevent violence.

As feds crack down on immigration, locals push to protect residents

WASHINGTON - Arizona city officials said Monday that while federal policy on immigration is shifting under President Donald Trump, municipalities still have a duty to make residents in their cities feel safe - undocumented or otherwise.

Flake likely to face challenges from all sides, vows to be ready

WASHINGTON - Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, begins the 2018 election cycle with $580,000 in the bank, a history of disagreeing with President Donald Trump - and a target on his back.

Access to overdose drug slow, but growing

Arizona enacted a law last year to allow the purchase of the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone without a prescription, but training for pharmacists and the state Medicaid program’s inability to cover the cost without a prescription have slowed access to the drug.

Court overturns re-entry conviction for man arrested in Nogales port

WASHINGTON - Rosario Vazquez-Hernandez was washing windows of cars waiting at the Mariposa Port of Entry, as he did most days, when Border Patrol agents grabbed him on charges that he was attempting to re-enter the U.S. illegally in 2014.

Arizona groups use social media to rally supporters, organize protests

PHOENIX -- Wearing matching blue shirts in front of the Arizona state Capitol on a recent afternoon, members of the immigration advocacy group LUCHA held up a large “report card” grading Arizona lawmakers on how they have done since the general election in November.

Florence prisoners rehabilitate their futures by training wild horses, burros

FLORENCE – It’s almost eight in the morning on an icy cold and windy day in Florence.