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Discovery of liquid water on Mars links back to UA lab, student

This week's landmark announcement that the surface of Mars has liquid water links back to a University of Arizona laboratory where students and faculty monitor images from an orbiting camera.

Douglas misses Board of Education meeting, drawing ire from some

Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas missed Monday's meeting of the Arizona State Board of Education, leading several members to note their disapproval.

Suns help ready ‘Madhouse’ for team’s return to its former home

Sporting a brace on his left knee, former Suns center Alvan Adams arrived at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Wednesday in a white T-shirt, a grey long-sleeved shirt underneath, a tan fisherman’s hat, black sunglasses and khaki shorts running just above his kneecaps.

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Catholic lawmakers talk about balancing private faith, public life

WASHINGTON - When the pope addresses a joint session of Congress in a history-making address Thursday, he will likely talk about hot-button issues like climate change and immigration.

NAU solar thermal project a new take on harnessing sun

This warehouse at the edge of the Northern Arizona University's campus, home to surplus desks, computers and dressers, features solar panels across much of its south-facing exterior.

Church, state meet when pope addresses Congress, to dismay of some

WASHINGTON - Gilbert resident Simon Spanton doesn't have anything against Pope Francis. It's the combination of Pope Francis and Congress he has a problem with.

EPA worker: ‘This is not good’

The Environmental Protection Agency recently released videos of the Gold King Mine spill in Colorado. The spill resulted in 3 million gallons of toxic wastewater spilling into the Animas River.

Animas River Spill

Genealogy library to find a new home

The Arizona Genealogy Library has been working for the last month and a half to find new homes for its documents.

Board of Education authorizes suits against Douglas

The Arizona State Board of Education voted Tuesday to sue Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas if she doesn’t comply with longstanding directives on access to data and the board's website.

Douglas board meeting (Photo by /Cronkite News)

Light-rail program aiding homeless youth expands into Mesa

With light rail expanding into central Mesa, Valley Metro has added emergency contact spots for Safe Place, a crisis hotline for teens, at each of the four new stations.

Experts predict slight gains in Labor Day travel, spending

Americans are projected to spend more than $13.5 billion on Labor Day air and road travel, according to a survey by the U.S. Travel Association.

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Latina women would lose health care if Planned Parenthood defunded

Latina women who rely on planned parenthood for basic health care brace for possible funding cuts following the fetal tissue controversy. Planned Parenthood officials say the majority of women who visit clinics in Arizona are not seeking abortions.