Genealogy library to find a new home

The Arizona Genealogy Library has been working for the last month and a half to find new homes for its documents.

Books that contain history dating back hundreds of years have been available to the public there. But soon they will be moved to another location or onto the Web.

Members of the genealogy staff at the Secretary of State’s Office, as well as numerous volunteers, have moved the collection from the old State Capitol to the Polly Rosenbaum Archives and History Building.

As well as giving documents to other states, the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records plans to digitize books and research to make them available online through Family Search, which is similar to

“First and foremost, any Arizona history is being retained and incorporated into our archive building,” said Matthew Roberts, communications director for the Secretary of State’s Office.

“I think there was some concern that our office was going to … have some sort of book burning in the parking lot if we didn’t deem it, the material, of value. That is absolutely not the case,” he added.