Glendale extends the New River Trail for the public

GLENDALE – The New River Trail system now runs more than 20 miles from Happy Valley in Peoria all the way to Bethany Home Road in Glendale.

Arizona environmentalists attending Paris talks hope agreement is only the beginning

Arizona environmental experts attending the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris are expecting a substantial agreement to reduce global warming. And they hope it’s just the beginning of a worldwide commitment to save the planet before it’s too late.

New study: rooftop solar power saves water

A new study claims Arizona could save more than 15 billion gallons of water a year if 20 percent of the state’s energy came from rooftop solar. That’s enough to sustain 90,000 homes, or the population of Chandler, for one year.

Mesa Public Library adds to the environment with a seed library

MESA – Hoping to dispel the notion that there is a “very outdated perception of libraries as stuffy places with shelves,” the Mesa Public Library has started a seed library, where patrons can use the free seeds to start a garden, according to librarian Cherise Mead.

Phoenix forestry guru can put a price on trees

Leaves aren't the only things blowing in the wind. Some trees may have price tags hanging from their branches.

Conservation conversation gets heated at hearing to renew park fund

WASHINGTON - Both sides agree that the Land and Water Conservation Fund should be restored, but they could not agree Wednesday on what the new fund should look like or how to spend the $900 million it receives in a typical year.

Water experts set recommendations for Arizona’s future

Arizona has managed its water supplies for decades as the state has grown, but as the drought reaches its 15th year, the state needs to do more to ensure there is water for the future, according to officials at the 107th Arizona Town Hall.

Town Hall water photo

ASU scientists are piloting drones over the desert to track invasive African grass

Clad in neon vests and sun hats, Brenton Scott leads a team of researchers through the desert landscape of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve and a web of trails used mostly by horseback riders and mountain bikers who know how to find them.

Researchers Ben Stinnett and Brenton Scott pilot the drone over the desert landscape. (Photo by Ty Scholes/Cronkite News)

Senate hearing: More should be spent preventing wildfires

Because the length of the Arizona wildfire season, experts and some Senate members say more funding is needed for prevention.

Big horn sheep return to Catalina Mountains

Twenty-nine big horn sheep have a new home in the Catalina Mountains north of Tucson.

School garden grows sustainable students

TUCSON – A whistle blows and little feet run through the hallway and out to the open courtyard of Manzo Elementary that contains the school’s garden. A frenzy of chatter and chicken squawks fill the warm November air.

A child waters plants