Chinese community carries on concurrent suits in further attempts to save cultural center

PHOENIX — Members of Arizona’s Chinese community are facing an uncertain resolution when it comes to the future of their beloved cultural center. On Tuesday, a federal judge decided not to grant the Arizona Foundation for Chinese Religious Rights, or AFCRR, an injunction it sought halting any new construction on the site.

Phoenix City Council members

In the face of tragedy, Phoenix community offers a message of love

PHOENIX — Jose Guadalupe Conchas stood in front of five candles adorned with black roses, and carefully lit each one as a symbolic tribute to the recent string of disasters, natural and man-made.


Senators tell DACA recipients that ‘stars align’ for Dream Act passage

WASHINGTON - Senate sponsors of the latest Dream Act assured over 100 young immigrants Wednesday that "the nation is poised to do the right thing" and protect them after the DACA program expires next year.

What happens to DACA recipients who can’t renew?

PHOENIX - Jazmin Nuñez spends her days at Living United for Change In Arizona (LUCHA) helping DACA recipients navigate the murky waters of their future.


Infant mortality: How racism may contribute to higher rates in the African-American community

PHOENIX – Immediately after Magan Carter’s baby was born, doctors put feeding tubes down his throat and hooked him up to an oxygen machine. He couldn’t breathe and had to use a feeding tube. Amari was in an incubator for three months.


Senate committee members look for answers to threat of DACA demise

WASHINGTON - Senators agreed Tuesday that a legislative fix will be needed to protect DACA recipients, but differed over how far it should go and how to get there with just five months until the current program expires.

Relief efforts and tales of survival among the Valley’s Puerto Rican community

PHOENIX — In a warehouse in north Phoenix on Saturday morning, a woman sat on the floor among piles of toothbrushes, toilet paper and soap. She packed a cardboard box full of diapers then taped it shut. A man picked up the box and set it against the wall. The woman started fresh with a new box, carefully packing newborn diapers.

Tribal Justice: Native Americans hope acknowledging the past will shape a better future

PHOENIX — Law students, professors and tribal members gathered recently at the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law in downtown Phoenix to watch the new documentary "Tribal Justice."

Claudette White

Hate crimes involving anti-Semitism on the rise in Arizona

PHOENIX - A woman woke up one morning and found the menorah adorning her yard had been twisted into a symbol of hate overnight: a swastika.

Anti-Semetic hate vandalism

Bilingual open mic night speaks to a community hungry to connect through language

TEMPE -Sexual assault. S.B. 1070. Cultural Identity.


As border wall prototype construction starts, Arizona geographer speaks up

PHOENIX - Leaving behind violence and poverty, a Central American family travels thousands of miles by foot, train, and bus. Once they finally arrive at the U.S. border, they have one more difficult decision to make: carry a bag full of marijuana and cross the desert with some help, or risk their life and cross alone.

Border Patrol

‘Removing his wings’: Repeal of DACA has local boxer in fight to stay home

PHOENIX — When the White House announced the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, undefeated boxer Alexis Zazueta began his most important fight yet: to stay in his hometown of Phoenix.