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Arizona, U.S. and tribal officials work to save native Apache trout from extinction

The Apache Trout are the state fish of Arizona, but they face of variety of dangers to their survival.

Hazardous materials: Agencies respond to scores of spills and accidents in Arizona every year

In the past decade, hundreds of hazardous materials incidents resulted in deaths, injuries and costly cleanups in Arizona.

Rat poison in prey threatens owls, other animals across Arizona

People use rodenticides to kill rats, but the pesticides kill other wildlife, especially great horned owls.

Arizona desert bighorn sheep thrive with help of conservationists – and hunters

Protecting Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep has been successful, but conservationists know that while the sheep are tough, they're also fragile.

Living in the margins: ‘Ecovillages’ take sustainability to personal level

Throughout Arizona, a number of commune ecovillages express a new sense of urgency, not just for sustainability but for community in general

As monsoon storms grow stronger, county works to keep trails safe for park visitors

As researchers predict monsoons to grow more powerful, Maricopa County parks may face increased erosion from runoff.

Trump supporters and protesters share opinions at Arizona rally

Reporters from the Cronkite Public Insight Network Bureau talked to Trump supporters and those protesting his June 18 rally in Phoenix. Attendees shared three reasons why they came out to voice their opinions despite the triple-digit heat. Here's what they said:

Donald Trump promises to bring Arizona along on the ride to making America great

PHOENIX – Donald Trump brought his trademark “make America great again” presidential campaign to the Arizona desert Saturday, rallying voters giddy over his proposals to build a wall along the Mexican border, ban Muslims from coming into the country and put a conservative on the Supreme Court.

Trump Arizona rally speech

Adoring supporters, staunch protesters turn up the Arizona heat at Donald Trump rally

PHOENIX – Hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, turned out in the blazing heat to rally behind him at the Arizona fairgrounds.