Search result for Anthony Marroquin

DACA teachers, used to comforting, find themselves in need of comfort

WASHINGTON - Former Phoenix high school teacher Reyna Montoya said it was typical for undocumented immigrant children to come to her and talk about their troubles in school and their fears at home, where they or their parents might be deported.

Arizonans paid $11,264 in federal tax in 2016, below U.S. average

WASHINGTON - After accounts are settled Tuesday with Uncle Sam, the typical Arizonan will have sent $11,264 to the federal government, about 20 percent below the national average of $14,051, according to an economic policy think tank.

Social Refresh: April 7, 2017

Social Refresh: Cronkite News top stories of the week

Senate panel asks experts if border wall is best approach to security

WASHINGTON - While they agreed that the U.S. needs to secure its Southwest border, no one at a Senate hearing Tuesday appeared ready to say a wall along the entire border would be the only way to go.

Report: Arizona women earn 83 percent of what men earn; U.S. gap wider

WASHINGTON - Michele Leber, 78, has been fighting to close the gender pay gap since the early 1970s, but new numbers released on the eve of Equal Pay Day show that she may still have her work cut out for her.

Hollow Holiday

Bill to exempt tribes from some labor oversight draws union concerns

WASHINGTON - Tribal leaders called on Congress Wednesday to exempt their governments and government-run businesses from oversight by the National Labor Relations Board, a right they said is enjoyed by every other government in the country.

Shoe-leather lobbying: Students in D.C. learn how to press an issue

WASHINGTON - Daniel Restrepo admits that he may have gotten politically complacent while President Barack Obama was in office, years in which he felt that "the march of progress was always this steady constant thing."

Arizona reflects split as GOP delays health care vote amid infighting

WASHINGTON - On the seventh anniversary of the Affordable Care Act's signing, House Republican hopes to vote on an Obamacare replacement were dashed Thursday when leaders failed to quell an uprising by conservatives in their own party.

Immigration advocates rally in Washington, vow to take fight back home

WASHINGTON - Immigration advocates from Arizona joined others from across the country at a rally outside the Customs and Border Protection office Tuesday, part of a three-day summit aimed at organizing grass-roots resistance to Trump administration policies.

Supreme Court justices have sharp questions in Arizona divorce case

WASHINGTON - Chief Justice John Roberts had pointed questions for attorneys arguing on behalf of an Arizona woman whose fight to regain some of her ex-husband's pension payments landed before the U.S. Supreme Court Monday.

As feds crack down on immigration, locals push to protect residents

WASHINGTON - Arizona city officials said Monday that while federal policy on immigration is shifting under President Donald Trump, municipalities still have a duty to make residents in their cities feel safe - undocumented or otherwise.

Arizona lawmakers give Trump’s first speech to Congress mixed reviews

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump delivered an hourlong speech to Congress Tuesday that, while short on detail, was long on rhetoric that kept Republican lawmakers jumping to their feet and Democrats mostly sitting on their hands.