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Millions consumed potentially unsafe water in the past 10 years

WOLFFORTH, Texas – As many as 63 million people – nearly a fifth of the country – from rural central California to the boroughs of New York City, were exposed to potentially unsafe water more than once during the past decade, according to a News21 investigation of 680,000 water quality and monitoring violations from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Trump visit to Arizona comes as party fight for Flake’s seat heats up

WASHINGTON - The primary race for Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake's seat is heating up as one of Flake's main antagonists, President Donald Trump, is visiting the state.

Phoenix leaders pledge to keep Trump rally safe; some schools, businesses to close early

PHOENIX – Local law enforcement leaders, school officials and businesses are bracing for President Donald Trump’s visit to Arizona on Tuesday, with public officials saying they are calmly working to avoid violent clashes between supporters and counter-protesters expected to clog downtown Phoenix.

Arizona colleges strive to increase state’s graduation rate

PHOENIX – Arizona universities are working to drive up Arizona college graduation rates, smoothing the way for students transferring from community college, offering financial aid and adding online classes to draw non-traditional students.

Youth Sports: Issues & Progress

Many children take up a sport from a young age, whether they enjoy the game, they want to make friends, or they aim to go pro. However, many student athletes undergo serious amounts of pressure from their parents, coaches, and society.

‘I didn’t want to get out of bed’: Athletes battle mental health issues, too

PHOENIX -- Jonathan Meldrum, a former offensive lineman at Syracuse, struggled through his sophomore year in college.

Presidents’ fitness councils make slow progress against childhood obesity

WASHINGTON - When a study showed American youth were significantly more obese than their European peers, it shocked the president into creating a council aimed at combating the childhood obesity epidemic and increasing physical fitness throughout the country.

Valley sports hazing incidents put spotlight on coaches and culture

PHOENIX - Twice in the past year, high-profile hazing incidents have hit Valley high schools, requiring coaches and administrators to examine the culture and monitoring of their teams, according to interviews with coaches and experts.

Lori Piestewa Native American Games honor legacy of fallen soldier

SCOTTSDALE -- To appreciate the spirit of the Lori Piestewa National Native American Games is to understand what occurs beyond the competition.

Flake: McCain ‘sounded great,’ as experts debate severity of condition

WASHINGTON - Sen. Jeff Flake said fellow Arizona Sen. John McCain "sounded great" in a phone conversation Monday, just three days after McCain underwent surgery to have a blood clot removed from above his left eye.

Arizonans at ‘play-in’ still bring serious clean-air message to Capitol

WASHINGTON - Sounds of toddlers laughing and playing echoed around her, but on stage the message from a Mesa teen was serious: Act on climate change, or we will suffer.

Arizona protesters arrested at Flake’s D.C. office in health care rally

WASHINGTON - As calls of "Trumpcare kills" and "health care is a human right" echoed through the halls of Capitol office buildings Monday, Lauren Klinkhamer stood quietly in Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake's office and told staffers, "I don't want to die."