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Phoenix charter for homeless students struggles with funding, academic success

PHOENIX — The Children First Leadership Academy in Phoenix was given a big, fat F by the Arizona Department of Education’s new rating system, but one reason its academic success is low may be a shortage of funding for the population the school serves.

colorful wall

Attendees, Phoenix officials praise inaugural Lost Lake Festival

PHOENIX – Thousands of people converged in central Phoenix this past weekend as part of the inaugural Lost Lake Festival, a three-day music, arts and food event. Despite earlier concerns about security issues and potential traffic snarls, attendees and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton said the event “exceeded expectations.”


Advocates urge colleges to aid DACA students, lawmakers urge restraint

WASHINGTON - Colleges and universities may not be able to change immigration law, but they can do more to help those students faced with losing their protection from deportation.

Education leaders demand Ducey give teachers 20 percent raises

PHOENIX – Leaders of a major Arizona teacher organization said Friday they were outraged when Gov. Doug Ducey reportedly gave several members of his staff 20 percent raises while teachers are getting a one percent salary increase, saying educators deserve more money.

Joe Thomas presenting

Arizona Humane Society encourages fostering to reduce ‘astronomical’ cost of caring for kittens

PHOENIX – Tiny meows echo through the room as volunteers in yellow smocks feed, weigh and record every kitten in the Arizona Humane Society’s Bottle Baby Intensive Care Unit.

Kitten being bottle-fed

Losing Lake Powell’s quagga mussel invasion battle, but trying to win the war

PAGE –  Ecologist Mark Anderson still sometimes tears up thinking about March 3, 2013, when an adult quagga mussel was discovered — the definitive sign of a possible aquatic apocalypse — clinging to a boat hauled from the waters of Lake Powell.


Kitchen on the Street bridges weekend gap in childhood hunger

PHOENIX – Kitchen on the Street works to close a gap in childhood hunger by giving students bags of nutritious food to eat over the weekend – enough to feed them until they return to school to get meals.

Kitchen On the Street van

Arizona law enforcement agencies work to increase diversity, recruit young people

PHOENIX -  Arizona law enforcement agencies seek to fill hundreds of vacancies, focusing efforts on increasing diversity and recruiting high school- and college-age students.

Law enforcement

If an Arizona resident harvests rainwater, will rebates come?

TUCSON — Tucson and other parched Arizona cities offer rebates for businesses and homes that harvest rainwater, but the practice struggles to gain momentum in the Valley.

Rainwater system landscaping

In the face of tragedy, Phoenix community offers a message of love

PHOENIX — Jose Guadalupe Conchas stood in front of five candles adorned with black roses, and carefully lit each one as a symbolic tribute to the recent string of disasters, natural and man-made.


What happens to DACA recipients who can’t renew?

PHOENIX - Jazmin Nuñez spends her days at Living United for Change In Arizona (LUCHA) helping DACA recipients navigate the murky waters of their future.


Giffords to Congress: ‘The nation is counting on you’ after Las Vegas

WASHINGTON - Former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords turned and shook her fist toward the Capitol Monday after telling lawmakers "the nation is counting on you" to act in the wake of Sunday's mass shooting in Las Vegas.