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Arizona educators voting on whether to walk out for better pay, more classroom dollars

Educators across the state are deciding if they will walk out of schools to protest low wages and a lack of funding for support staff, unswayed by Gov. Doug Ducey’s promise of a 20 percent salary increase.

ACLU wants Greyhound to end ‘warrantless searches’ of passengers by Customs and Border Protection agents

The ACLU sent out a letter to Greyhound addressing their warrantless searches and incidents.

Augmented reality lab combines math, engineering to improve brain-cancer outcomes

Mayo Clinic’s augmented reality lab provides surgeons and patients a 360 view of brain tumors or spines affected by scoliosis. The simulations help surgeons come up with the least invasive form of surgery and pick the best route for radiation and chemotherapy.

#RedForEd: Teachers, legislators skeptical of Ducey’s plan for raising teacher salaries

Educators and lawmakers expressed skepticism about Gov. Doug Ducey’s plan to increase teacher salaries over the next three years, saying there is no indication of where that money will come from.

#RedForEd: Teachers ‘walk-in’ at Arizona schools as strike threat looms

Arizona teachers “walked in” to classes for the second time in as many weeks Wednesday as Red for Ed leaders debated whether to shut down schools statewide with a strike.

ASU initiative aims to ‘CounterAct’ sexual violence through the arts

The CounterAct initiative, a new project through ASU, aims to catalyze 880 creative actions to counter the 880 acts of sexual violence that occur in the U.S. each year.

#RedForEd teachers protest low education funding in ‘walk-in’ demonstrations

Arizona teachers demonstrated throughout the Valley Wednesday in the first of a series of planned “walk-ins” designed to raise awareness and support for the growing #RedForEd movement.

Sheriffs wait to see details on Trump plan for soldiers on the border

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump's announcement that he plans to send U.S. troops to patrol the border left southern Arizona sheriffs looking for details before committing to the "big step" that Trump said is needed until a border wall can be built.

School resource officers called a key safety tool, but critics fear discrimination

After the Parkland shooting, school resource officers have come under the public spotlight. Arizona has more than 100 officers at schools from Paradise Valley to Tolleson and Gov. Doug Ducey has pushed for more funding for officers on school campuses, while activists question the role of police at schools.

Arizona teachers plan walk-ins demanding pay raise, additional education funding

Rather than close classrooms, Arizona teachers hold walk-ins for teachers and parents to show solidarity in the education funding fight.

Move to change Cesar Chavez Day to ‘National Border Control Day’ spurs anger

Cesar Chavez Leadership Academy's parade consisted of participants honoring Cesar Chavez and showing disapproval for Gohmert's suggested holiday name.

#RedForEd teachers demand 20 percent salary hike, more money for education

Arizona teachers angry about salaries considered among the lowest in the nation  rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday, part of a continuous wave of protests in the #RedForEd movement.