Search result for Tim Johns

Distance, language can still pose challenge to Native American voting

WASHINGTON - Overt challenges to Native Americans voting are a thing of the past, experts say, but casting a ballot can still be hard for tribal members who may face language barriers, registration difficulties and scant access to polling places and government services that can ease the process.

Despite gains, Native American employment still lags behind nation

WASHINGTON - Native American unemployment has fallen sharply, from 40 percent in 1968 to 12 percent in 2016, but that is still more than twice the national average at the time and experts say it masks pockets of high unemployment on reservations and rural areas where systemic challenges remain.

After decades, tribal courts, police slowly regaining lost authority

WASHINGTON - Decades after Congress and the courts sharply limited Native Americans of the ability to enforce their laws, lawmakers have only recently started to restore that authority to tribal courts and cops.

Photo series: Entrepreneurs in their element

Our photo series highlights more than 20 metro Phoenix entrepreneurs: their triumphs and challenges, and why basing their businesses and careers in the Phoenix metropolitan area helps them thrive.

State getting convictions as it slowly works through rape kit backlog

WASHINGTON - Since 2016, Arizona has methodically worked its way through a backlog of 6,424 rape kits that had been sitting in evidence rooms for years, testing more than half by this spring resulting in eight hits on suspects in previously unsolved crimes.

Rape Kits

Need a boost? One Scottsdale company provides trendy IV vitamin drips

Businesses across the country – including here in the Valley – have begun using IV drips to deliver health and wellness treatments.

Tat tunes: Soundwave tattoos allow people to play songs, audio clips through app

Four Phoenix tattoo artists are licensed by California-based Skin Motion, which developed an app that can read a sound wave stencil tattooed on skin and play back a recording over a smartphone

ASU initiative aims to ‘CounterAct’ sexual violence through the arts

The CounterAct initiative, a new project through ASU, aims to catalyze 880 creative actions to counter the 880 acts of sexual violence that occur in the U.S. each year.

Mesa entrepreneur ignores heart doctors’ warnings, launches career in fitness

The founder and face of LFTD.Lifestyle - a fitness supplement and lifestyle brand - said his desire to get into the profession was driven by reasons much deeper than financial gain.

Chandler recycling company gives jeans a new life

Bonded Logic Inc., a south Chandler textile recycling company, collects thousands of pounds of denim each year and gives them new life as insulation for homes and office buildings and fiber for bedding.

17 lives, 17 minutes: Students rally, walk out of schools to mark one month since the Parkland shooting

Students are gathering at the Arizona Capitol, walk out of schools across the state and nation to protest gun violence.

After ‘excruciating’ wait, Sun Devils learn NCAA Tournament fate: They’re in

For the first time since the 2013-14 season, the Sun Devils are going to the NCAA Tournament.