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Scottsdale pro spreads his love and knowledge of golf to hundreds of Valley kids

SCOTTSDALE — In frigid Huron, South Dakota, Dale Balvin realized he loved golf at age 10.

Arizonans join diverse Women’s March to protest Trump inauguration

WASHINGTON - Environmental scientist Marilyn Zenko feels strongly enough about President-elect Donald Trump's environmental policies that she is coming from Goodyear to be part of this weekend's Women's March on Washington.

Knitters take part in the Pussyhat social media campaign to provide pink hats for protesters in the women's march in Washington, D.C., the day after the presidential inauguration, in Los Angeles

States, advocates host balls of all stripes as inaugural kicks off

WASHINGTON - Not everyone who comes to Washington this weekend will be able to participate in the pomp of the three officially sanctioned inaugural balls, but that doesn't mean they won't have a chance to put on their dancing shoes.

Hill offices juggle high demand, scant supply of inaugural tickets

WASHINGTON - With 198 inaugural tickets to hand out and requests from 500 constituents, Rep. Martha McSally, R-Tucson, turned to an expert to handle the distribution - Lady Luck.

Lawsuit claims Havasupai students are deprived of ‘basic general education’

Nine students in the Havasupai Nation have filed a lawsuit against the federal government claiming that agencies including the Bureau of Indian Education “have knowingly failed to provide basic general education” to children in the remote area of Arizona.

Nearly 900K people watched “Hooked Rx” documentary

PHOENIX – Based on early television viewership projections, nearly 900,000 viewers tuned in to "Hooked Rx: From Prescription to Addiction," a Cronkite News report on Arizona's prescription opioid epidemic, according to early Nielsen rating numbers. That number is expected to rise.

‘Godfather’ of Saguaro HS football back for Fiesta Bowl as key member of OSU staff

SCOTTSDALE - It was a casual offseason afternoon Friday at Saguaro High School. Seventeen players on the school’s varsity football team were in the gym lifting weights. It wasn’t mandatory; head coach Jason Mohns had given his team the final two weeks of December off, but some players wanted to come in.

Trainers turn focus to preventing injuries, not treating them with painkillers

FLAGSTAFF - Joshua Johnson’s title at Northern Arizona University reads athletic trainer. But he calls himself a “performance enhancer.”

Football participation in Arizona high schools on the rise despite concussion concerns

PHOENIX - In many parts of the country, high schools are shutting down football programs because of falling participation numbers. Growing concern about concussions is believed to be one reason for the drop, according to Bob Gardner, executive director of the National Federation of State High School Associations.

Trump talk of eliminating gun-free schools a long shot, experts say

WASHINGTON - Charles Heller embraces President-elect Donald Trump's proposal to eliminate gun-free zones on school campuses, a move he sees as "really restoring a freedom, not eliminating anything."

Arizona nonprofit offers hope, services to homeless families

SCOTTSDALE – Roberta Mahoney Alhassasnah was “petrified” when she and her family lost their apartment a few weeks ago and became homeless.

Salmon leaves Washington – for a second time – with no regrets

WASHINGTON - Ask enough people about Matt Salmon and eventually the same theme comes up: The Republican congressman from Mesa sticks to his principles, even when they are unpopular.