State getting convictions as it slowly works through rape kit backlog
WASHINGTON - Since 2016, Arizona has methodically worked its way through a backlog of 6,424 rape kits that had been sitting in evidence rooms for years, testing more than half by this spring resulting in eight hits on suspects in previously unsolved crimes.
Arizona students stage ‘die-in’ outside governor’s office to demand action on gun violence
Students in Arizona and across the nation walked out on the anniversary of the Columbine school shooting in a growing movement supporting gun control.
Red for Ed: Teachers to walk out over low pay, inadequate classroom spending
Arizona educators overwhelmingly voted to walk out to demand higher pay, Red for Ed leaders announced Thursday night.
Arizona Supreme Court strikes down in-state tuition for DACA students
The Arizona Supreme Court decided on Monday that DACA recipients will no longer receive in-state tuition nearly a year after the Arizona Board of Regents announced it would continue to offer in-state tuition for DACA students.
Undocumented LGBTQ protesters clash with Phoenix police at Pride parade, vow to hold own event next year
Leaders of Trans Queer Pueblo said 2018 Pride Festival organizers and Phoenix Police made it clear the group was not welcome. Next year, they’ll launch their own event.
Trump administration lifts environmental obstacles to building border wall in New Mexico
The Department of Homeland Security has expedited construction of the reinforced border wall in New Mexico by waiving 20 environmental laws.
Feeling disenfranchised by Phoenix Pride, undocumented LGBT people find their own way to celebrate
With the Phoenix Pride Festival and Parade now just one day away, organizers and members of Trans Queer Pueblo, a community organization providing political, economic, and social services to undocumented LGBT people of color, have wrapped up a week of action leading up to Sunday’s events.
Prior Guard deployments to border got lukewarm reviews by auditors
WASHINGTON - As Arizona prepare s to send 150 National Guardsmen to the border as part of President Donald Trump's plan to support border agencies, government audits of Guard deployments by previous administrations said were inefficient despite some success in slowing border crime.
#RedForEd teachers protest low education funding in ‘walk-in’ demonstrations
Arizona teachers demonstrated throughout the Valley Wednesday in the first of a series of planned “walk-ins” designed to raise awareness and support for the growing #RedForEd movement.
Sheriffs wait to see details on Trump plan for soldiers on the border
WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump's announcement that he plans to send U.S. troops to patrol the border left southern Arizona sheriffs looking for details before committing to the "big step" that Trump said is needed until a border wall can be built.
Supreme Court reverses ruling against officer in Tucson police shooting
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court said Monday that a Tucson police officer cannot be sued for shooting a woman who refused to drop a knife as she stood in her driveway in 2010, with the justices taking the unusual step of reversing a lower court without holding a hearing on the case.