Both sides blast Trump immigration plan – as racist or as a giveaway

WASHINGTON - A White House plan to give a path to citizenship for 1.8 million immigrants in exchange for a border wall and tougher immigration policies was attacked from all sides, called racist by one side and a shameless giveaway by the other.

When TPS ends: One Valley Salvadoran family’s story

As the Trump administration ends TPS, Salvadoran parents are facing a mountain of worry. Wilber Delgado and his wife, Eva Pineda, struggle as they live not knowing what the future will look like for them and for their children.

Trump citizenship remarks give immigration negotiators glimmer of hope

WASHINGTON - A reported White House plan that could give DACA recipients a path to citizenship will help those working toward an immigration reform compromise "a great deal," said Sen. Jeff Flake, conceding that there is still a long way to go.

Border program breaks down walls, brings American musicians and Mexican children together

Bisbee based artist creates program that unites U.S. musicians and Mexican children, breaking down borders and walls through music

No More Deaths volunteers arrested as group accuses Border Patrol of destroying humanitarian aid

No More Deaths, an immigrant advocacy group that leaves water and aid supplies along desert routes for undocumented migrants trying to cross the border, alleges that Border Patrol agents have dumped thousands of gallons of water left for crossers in the past few years.

New solar panel tariffs will be felt by Arizona companies, consumers

WASHINGTON - New tariffs imposed Tuesday by the Trump administration on imported solar products will benefit domestic manufacturers, but could hit consumers and other parts of the solar energy industry hard, experts said.

National report card ranks Arizona near bottom of states for highway safety

WASHINGTON – Arizona was third-worst in the country for highway safety in 2017, based on its relative lack of driving-safety laws, a new report says. But one official said the Arizona does not get credit for the good it does.

Grand Canyon partly open, blunting biggest hit of government shutdown

WASHINGTON - As Congress met this weekend in an effort to end the government shutdown before it could enter its third full day, the costliest impacts of the shutdown in Arizona have been blunted - for now.

Tusayan photo

Two polls show ‘stunning reversal’ in recent Mexican attitudes toward U.S.

WASHINGTON - Mexican attitudes toward Americans have gone through a "stunning reversal" since the election of President Donald Trump, with most Mexicans holding an unfavorable view of the U.S. for the first time ever.

Flake, McCain: Trump attacks on media hurt democracy, help autocrats

WASHINGTON - Arizona's two Republican senators took President Donald Trump to task in separate forums Wednesday, saying his attacks on the press and "fake news" embolden dictators to crack down on media abroad and endanger democracy at home.

Arizona: False alarm like Hawaii’s unlikely; people should still prepare

WASHINGTON - Arizona emergency management officials said they have safeguards in place that should prevent a false alarm like the one that rattled Hawaiian residents, who received an erroneous report of a ballistic missile attack.

McSally embraces Trump, her military service as she enters Senate race

Rep. Martha McSally, R-Tucson, announced her bid for Senate Friday, immediately becoming the frontrunner in a crowded Republican primary field whose winner is expected to face an unusually tough Democratic challenge this fall.