Arizona falconry takes flight in efforts to promote conservation

A three-day Arizona Falconers Association Desert Hawking Classic showcased falconers - people who train birds of prey to hunt for sport.

Got rage? Break stuff in the anger room and you’ll feel better

The rage room, where people can smash away with anger by taking a hammer or bat to vases, TV sets and keyboards.

East Valley Krav Maga center teaches women to defend themselves

In Arizona, some women are making moves, literally, to protect themselves using an Israeli self-defense system called Krav Maga.

Severe flu season affects thousands of Arizonans

Widespread flu activity has made the 2017-18 season one of the worst in years, especially in Arizona. Every county in the state has confirmed an influenza infection this season, and about 19,000 more Arizonans have been infected compared with last year.

Advocacy group warns public about ‘regressive’ policies on environment, solar industry

Members of a nonprofit environmental advocacy group on Thursday urged the public to pay attention to governmental policies they call "regressive."

Pima sheriff welcomes Sessions’ pledge to crack down on opioid fight

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Jeff Sessions' vow to not "cede a single community, one block or one street corner, to violent gangs and drug dealers" in the fight against opioids was well received at a meeting of sheriffs that included Pima County Sheriff Mark Napier.

Lawmaker: Lack of regulation on Arizona tattoo industry is ‘shocking’

Rep. Kelli Butler, D-Paradise Valley, introduced a bill that would require body art establishments - which covers places that do tattoos, piercings, branding and scarifications - to get a health certificate.

Getting worse before it gets better: DEA agent predicts deepening opioid epidemic

At the second annual Arizona Opioid Summit, experts traded knowledge on the opioid epidemic and how it affects Arizona.

Making wine at home uncorks custom blends

Home wine making can grow from a hobby into a business

Counting on conversations with people who are homeless to reveal respect, gain resources

The 2018 Point-in-Time homeless count took place on Tuesday morning. Volunteers took to the streets before sunrise, as the temperature hovered around 40 degrees.

Arizona ranks 36th in prosperity, according to new report

Arizona ranked 36 out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia for its residents' "ability to save and build wealth," according to Prosperity Now's 2018 scorecard.

Arizona medical-marijuana marketing becomes more mainstream

The marijuana industry's marketing efforts have matured since Arizona voters legalized its use in 2010, industry experts said. Many dispensaries now use "softer" terms to describe their projects.