Mexicans work to reclaim corn as their own
QUERETARO, Mexico - NAFTA has battered small Mexican farmers, but plans to renegotiate the trade pact have prompted a grassroots and political push here to reclaim a trade that was once at the heart of Mexico.
Caught in hard-hit fields, Latinos help themselves escape recession
WASHINGTON - Arizona Hispanics were heavily represented in construction and agriculture, two industries hit hard in the recession, but that seems to have driven many Latinos to start their own businesses to get work.
In Focus DACA Special Report: Episode 6
In September, we began a countdown to Dec. 8, the day some Democratic lawmakers hoped would let them force a vote on the Dream Act by threatening to scuttle the budget that expired that day, potentially shutting the government down. Dec. 8 has come and gone. The budget has passed and the government is open, for now. And Congress is no closer to passing legislation to protect recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals than they were three months ago.
Ports of entry in Arizona face infrastructure and staffing challenges
PHOENIX – From a farm or a maquila in Sonora, Mexico to a supermarket store in Chicago, the journey of products coming from Mexico is a long, sometimes slow one. But according to border experts and officials, it’s during customs inspections at the border where the process gets delayed the most because ports of entry are understaffed and their need for investment is often overlooked.
Citizenship requests hit new high in state, nation, more growth likely
WASHINGTON - Naturalization applications in Arizona jumped 48 percent over the past three years, to more than 19,000 last year, a number that advocates expect will continue to rise as immigrants look for reassurance in the current political climate.
Flake wants to back tax bill if it comes with DACA protections
WASHINGTON – Sen. Jeff Flake announced on Twitter his support for a tax reform bill if it included a “growth-oriented” solution for DREAMers, as well as the elimination of the “$85 million expensing budget gimmick.”
From disconnection to opportunity: Zip Code Project aims to reconnect the ‘disconnected youth’ of Arizona
MARYVALE — Teen pregnancy, difficult living situations, immigration status and mental or physical disabilities are some of the reasons young people in the United States become ‘disconnected.'
Vendors hope new market in South Phoenix brings business, sense of pride to area
PHOENIX - Selling jewelry, clothing and food wasn’t the only idea behind La Luna Markets.
In Focus DACA Special Report: Episode 5
On one side of the debate are the people who are demanding protection for those covered by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. They march. They chant. They protest. On the other side, opponents are just as convinced of their positions. But maybe not as loud.
Trans Queer Pueblo organizes Phoenix show giving support to LGBTQ immigrant community
PHOENIX — Growing up as a member of the LGBTQ community can already be a struggle for many. For some Latino youths, their journey is made even more difficult because of several factors such as the conservative, male dominated and religious nature of their culture.
Valley clinic provides access to free medical care for immigrant community
PHOENIX - It can be daunting to try and get health care when someone does not speak the language or does not have the legal status to navigate an already complicated system.
Let It Out: Alma Telibecirevic
Alma Telibecirevic grew up and went to college in Sarajevo, Bosnia, during the Balkan wars in the 1990s.