‘Anchor Babies’ weigh in on birthright citizenship debate

While more Republican presidential candidates are using “anchor baby” to talk about birthright citizenship, Americans at the center of the debate question the controversial term.

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Latina women would lose health care if Planned Parenthood defunded

Latina women who rely on planned parenthood for basic health care brace for possible funding cuts following the fetal tissue controversy. Planned Parenthood officials say the majority of women who visit clinics in Arizona are not seeking abortions.

Report: DACA applications, renewals still growing after three years

WASHINGTON - The number of people applying for deferred deportation protection, and the number reapplying, have both risen as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program nears its third anniversary, new data shows.

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Weapons conviction reversed for immigrant caught near border

WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court Monday reversed the firearms conviction of an illegal immigrant who was caught near Green Valley in 2012 with guns, cell phones, a large supply of food and a radio scanner.

Slain Mesa clerk’s uncle urges Senate to crack down on immigrant custody

WASHINGTON - Michael Ronnebeck was back in Washington on Tuesday, urging lawmakers to crack down on repeat offenders in the immigrant population in order to prevent another killing like that of his nephew.

Mexico soccer fans celebrate team in Arizona against backdrop of Trump visit

GLENDALE – The Valley of the Sun echoed with shouts from those with Mexican heritage last weekend, but the exclamations came from separate sections of the shouters’ psyches.

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Few unaccompanied minors returned to their home countries, senators told

WASHINGTON - Fewer than 2,000 of the 51,000 unaccompanied immigrant children who showed up at the Southwest border last year have been repatriated, a Senate panel was told Tuesday, a pace that critics said may have "incentivized" more migration.

Report: State, national economies could surge under deportation-deferral plans

WASHINGTON - Granting deportation deferral to an estimated 137,000 Arizona residents would add hundreds of jobs annually and billions of dollars over a decade to the state economy, according to a new state-by-state analysis.

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Supreme Court lets stand ruling rejecting Arizona’s immigrant bail ban

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Monday refused to intervene in a case that overturned Arizona's voter-approved ban on bail for criminal defendants who are in this country illegally.

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Border changes improve crossing, critics say officials must do more

NOGALES – Engines roar and the smell of diesel wafts through the air as trucks steadily pass through the final checkpoints as they enter Arizona from Mexico.

Audit says ICE could save millions by filling seats on detainee flights

WASHINGTON – Immigration and Customs Enforcement could have saved up to $41.1 million on flights carrying immigrants across the U.S. and back to their home countries simply by filling up more seats on those planes, a recent audit says.

Boarding plane