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Vendors hope new market in South Phoenix brings business, sense of pride to area

PHOENIX - Selling jewelry, clothing and food wasn’t the only idea behind La Luna Markets.


Trans Queer Pueblo organizes Phoenix show giving support to LGBTQ immigrant community

PHOENIX — Growing up as a member of the LGBTQ community can already be a struggle for many. For some Latino youths, their journey is made even more difficult because of several factors such as the conservative, male dominated and religious nature of their culture.

Drag Queen

Valley clinic provides access to free medical care for immigrant community

PHOENIX - It can be daunting to try and get health care when someone does not speak the language or does not have the legal status to navigate an already complicated system.

Blood drawn at PACH

Local Latino veterans come together to share art, hope to leave legacy of their service

PHOENIX - Memories of the battlefield were brought back to life at “Los Veteranos De Arizona” art exhibit.

People with art

Chicanos Por La Causa hopes to inspire community members to give back to a part of Phoenix

PHOENIX - Not too many people would be excited to get up before sunrise on a Saturday morning but that is exactly what hundreds of people did in one Valley area, not only cleaning it up but also aiming to give those who live there a sense of pride in their neighborhood.

Barrios Bellos shirts

San Luis teacher honored with Esperanza Latino Teacher of the Year Award

SAN LUIS - Every year, the organization Chicanos Por La Causa, honors Latino teachers in Arizona who go above and beyond — inside and outside their classrooms — with the Esperanza Latino Teacher of the Year award. This year, three teachers from Maricopa County received the award but it was one teacher from San Luis who really stood out.

Lucia Alvarez

DACA recipient reflects on rough road ahead

PHOENIX - Shock, fear and uncertainty are all common feelings for Liliana Reyes during this time period of her life. Just nearly a week after learning of President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Reyes, a third-time DACA recipient, is trying to put together a plan for a future that seems uncertain.

Trump threatens shutdown over border wall funding

PHOENIX — While visiting Phoenix last week, President Donald Trump threatened to shut down the government in order to pressure congress into funding his proposed border wall. It was one of his main campaign promises and one he’s made clear he intends to keep.

Trump backs ‘merit-based’ visa bill that could halve legal immigration

WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump threw his support behind a bill Wednesday that would slash immigration into the United States and create a merit-based system favoring those who speak English, have higher education and high-paying job offers.

Study: Senate bill could give 1.8 million DREAMers path to citizenship

WASHINGTON - They are called DREAMers, the young, undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children, and their dream of citizenship got renewed backing Thursday from two prominent senators.

Senators call limits on trade, travel with Cuba a travel ban in reverse

WASHINGTON - Cuban business owners were in Washington Tuesday with a message for U.S. officials - if you want freedom on the island, trade freely with its people.

Arizonans at ‘play-in’ still bring serious clean-air message to Capitol

WASHINGTON - Sounds of toddlers laughing and playing echoed around her, but on stage the message from a Mesa teen was serious: Act on climate change, or we will suffer.