Search result for Caity Hemmerle

How social media may be contributing to gang interest among AZ teens

PHOENIX -- About one in five 8th graders in Arizona say “it would be cool” to belong to a gang, according to the 2016 Arizona Youth Survey of more than 57,000 students statewide. The same goes for 17 percent of 10th graders, and 13.1 percent of 12th graders.

Paving the way for CANAMEX, highway of the future

PHOENIX - Imagine a road trip in 2030 on a super interstate highway that stretches from Arizona’s border with Mexico to the U.S.-Canada border in Montana. And it won’t be just a road on which you drive your car, but an economic investment to the communities through which is passes.

In Focus, episode 2: What defunding Planned Parenthood could mean for Arizonans

A Republican health reform bill stalled in the House of Representatives this week, but the proposal gave an inside view into potential plans to prohibit federal health insurance from covering care at Planned Parenthood.