Heather Cumberledge
Heather Cumberledge
Studio Production, Phoenix

Heather Cumberledge plans to graduate in December with a major in broadcast journalism and a minor in global studies. She has previously worked as a broadcast reporter for Cronkite News in Washington, D.C., and is now a part of the television and graphics team in Phoenix. She also is a politics intern for ABC15 and a digital producer for the State Press.

Latest from Heather Cumberledge

House OKs permanent ban on mining 1 million acres around Grand Canyon

WASHINGTON - The House voted 236-185 Wednesday to permanently ban uranium mining on just over 1 million acres around the Grand Canyon, on a largely party line vote in which each side accused the other of fear-mongering.

Arizonans among House Republicans who stormed impeachment hearing

WASHINGTON - Arizona lawmakers were among dozens of Republicans who stormed the House impeachment hearings Wednesday to protest the closed-door meetings and demand that Democrats open the proceedings.

Senate approves Arizonan Barrett as fourth female Air Force secretary

WASHINGTON - The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to confirm Arizona businesswoman Barbara Barrett as the next Air Force secretary, one day after brushing aside an attempt to stall her nomination over Air Force use of Trump hotels for official business.

Arizona lawmakers join critics of Trump’s troop withdrawal from Syria

WASHINGTON - Arizona lawmakers joined a growing bipartisan chorus critical of President Donald Trump's decision to pull American troops from Northern Syria. Sen. Martha McSally is one of several Republicans who said the move could allow a return of the Islamic State that could threaten the U.S.

Trump sees treason in whistleblower, but it’s not so clear-cut to ASU prof

WASHINGTON - To President Donald Trump, the White House whistleblower who reported concerns about his call with the Ukrainian president is comparable to a spy and a traitor.To ASU professor Marianne Jennings, whistleblowers aren't sinners - but they aren't always saints, either.

Biggs take reins of Freedom Caucus at tough time for conservatives

WASHINGTON - Democrats have a 38-seat majority in the House and are pressing an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, but as Rep. Andy Biggs takes over the conservative Freedom Caucus the Gilbert Republican says he's ready for the fight.