Search result for Ally Carr

Who teaches the teachers? Rules would hold teacher colleges accountable

WASHINGTON - For years, the U.S. Department of Education has rated teachers' success based on how well their students performed on tests. Now, it wants to take a step back and evaluate how teachers are taught to teach.

Teacher Teacher

Hispanic leaders push voting, but dismiss third-party candidates

WASHINGTON - The Congressional Hispanic Caucus wants to encourage young Latinos to vote - but wants to make sure they don't vote the wrong way.

Tucson Elections

Powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl makes a deadly mark in Arizona

TUCSON – Pima County's Medical Examiner reported 17 fentanyl-related deaths last year, up from seven in 2014 – a deadly trend involving one of the most potent synthetic opioids in the world.

How do you meet demand to fill tech-related jobs in AZ? Get kids interested

PHOENIX – When you imagine what class at Phoenix Coding Academy might look like, maybe you think of students staring at endless rows of characters and symbols on computer screens.


Glendale move for backyard chickens is no joke

GLENDALE - Chickens scratching, clucking and laying eggs in neighbors' backyards could become more frequent under a proposed change to a Glendale ordinance, setting the groundwork for an anti-chicken and pro-chicken battle over lifestyle, property rights and the environment.

Latino families in Arizona splurge on Quinceañeras

Phoenix - A growing number of Arizona businesses are benefitting from a Latino tradition as more families splurge on quinceañeras.

Grand Canyon tram proposal sparks ire, awe from Navajo Nation to Germany

PHOENIX – As a child, Renae Yellowhorse chased birds through the sagebrush on the Navajo reservation along the edge of the Grand Canyon.

Police arrest four people in Tempe during police brutality protest

TEMPE – Tempe police on Monday arrested the Rev. Jarrett Maupin and at least three other people after they blocked the Mill Avenue Bridge for impeding a public thoroughfare.

Court upholds state’s rules for political parties to get on the ballot

WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court Friday upheld the state's process for recognizing political parties, rejecting claims by the Arizona Green Party that the petition deadline for new parties posed an unconstitutional burden.

McCain and Kirkpatrick schedule first debate

Arizona’s two major U.S. Senate candidates, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Flagstaff, and Republican Sen. John McCain, will face one another in an October debate.

AZ researchers focus on Zika virus, mosquitoes

TUCSON – Arizona scientists and researchers haven’t stopped their efforts to discover new information on the Zika virus and the mosquito that carries it even as officials in Washington, D.C., battle over emergency funding to fight the virus.

Arizona soldier salutes 3,000 flags during 9/11 memorial in Tempe

TEMPE – Adriana Sandoval was a kindergartner when the two commercial airliners crashed into the twin towers. The youngster witnessed the atrocities of man through a television screen.