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Social Refresh: February 17, 2017

Social Refresh: Top Cronkite News stories of the week

Muslims in Arizona: One perception, many faces

PHOENIX – Muslims in America have been burdened with a label of terrorism that colors others’ perceptions of Islam, a religion of peace and diverse followers, Arizona Muslims say.

Report: Markets, cyberattacks pose biggest financial risks to Phoenix

WASHINGTON - Phoenix faces a bigger financial threat from a market crash than it does from drought, terrorism or any of a number of other manmade and natural disasters, according to a new "risk index" of cities around the globe.

Facing popularity issues, baseball steps into 21st century with pace of play rules

Baseball has long been called “America’s Pastime,” and as time itself passes, the game has grown to encompass that definition – in a negative way.

Diamondbacks meet at mound