Search result for Angel Mendoza

Alamo Lake boating and fishing takes hit during dam maintenance by Corps of Engineers

Critics say the timing of Alamo Lake maintenance is bringing negative economic and ecological consequences.

Arizona farmers, pressured by grinding drought and urban sprawl, look for ways to save water

Faced with water shortages and economic pressures, farmers are trying to efficiently water their crops.

Endangered fish have re-emerged in the Santa Cruz River, but will they last?

Experts warn that raw sewage still threatens to contaminate the river's water and its wildlife.

Iranian Bahá’í refugees find religious freedom in Arizona

Thousands of Bahá'is in Iran have been dismissed from jobs and colleges or aribitrarily arrested

Changes to NAFTA could affect business on both sides of border

APASEO EL GRANDE, Mexico — Angelica Cervantes has big dreams for her small family-owned business that makes specialized hand-crafted tools used by giant automakers like Ford, Volkswagen, Nissan, Mazda and Honda.

How jazz music is bridging cultures in Baja California

TIJUANA — Jacinto “Chinto” Mendoza’s first instrument was the violin. He was just 5 years old. A couple of years later, he adopted his signature instrument, the alto saxophone.