Arizona officials unlikely to push statewide corporal punishment ban
WASHINGTON - Arizona is one of 15 states that expressly allow corporal punishment in schools, but state educators said most schools already heed the spirit of U.S. Education Secretary John King's call for an end to the practice.
AZ protesters connect with national opposition to Dakota Access Pipeline
PHOENIX — Smoke from lit bundles of sage swirled around protesters waving signs, “Water Is Life” and “Stand With Standing Rock” to oppose the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Minority, civil rights groups will work with Trump, will fight if need be
WASHINGTON - Minority and civil rights organizations met in Washington Thursday with a message for President-elect Donald Trump: They are willing to work with his administration, but only if he rejects what they called the hateful rhetoric of his campaign.
State officials extend condolences over Tucson native killed in Jordan
WASHINGTON - Arizona officials were extending their condolences for a Tucson native who was among three soldiers killed Friday when their "convoy came under fire entering a Jordanian military base," according to a Defense Department statement.
Supreme Court lets ballot-collection law stand to cap week of legal fights
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday reinstated Arizona's ban on ballot-harvesting, just one day after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals put the law on hold.
Court rejects second Democratic challenge to Arizona voting laws
WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court handed Arizona Democrats their second defeat in a week Wednesday, refusing to block a state law that lets elections officials reject ballots cast by people who were not at their assigned polling place.
With just days to election, court will rehear ballot-collection ruling
WASHINGTON - The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday it would reconsider its decision to let stand an Arizona law that makes it a felony for third parties to collect and deliver ballots for others.
Supreme Court orders new sentencing hearings for five teen killers
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Monday ordered Arizona courts to reconsider the life-without-parole sentences handed down to five juveniles who were convicted in separate cases on a total of nine murders and other crimes in the 1990s.
Court won’t block ballot-collection law opponents say hurts minorities
WASHINGTON - A federal appeals court handed Arizona Democrats a setback Friday, refusing to block a new state law that makes it a felony for anyone but a family member or caregiver to collect another person's mail-in ballot.
Democrats sue Trump, GOP, to stop what they call voter intimidation
WASHINGTON - The Arizona Democratic Party has filed suit against presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign, the Arizona Republican Party and others for what it calls a coordinated effort to "depress voter turnout," particularly among minority voters.
Advocates worry rape kit backlog will discourage victims, enable offenders
WASHINGTON - A state task force said Arizona has thousands more untested rape kits than originally thought, a problem that advocates fear could undermine efforts to get victims to come forward while giving serial offenders a "free pass."
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio charged with criminal contempt
PHOENIX - U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton signed the order to officially charge Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio with criminal contempt-of-court on Tuesday.