The hidden homeless: Growing number of older people living on the streets
PHOENIX – Central Arizona Shelter Services says it helped more than 1,300 people older than 55 who are experiencing homelessness in the 2018-19 fiscal year. That’s nearly 30% of the total the agency served. And homelessness for Arizona residents is on the rise, according to the Arizona Department of Economic Security.
Phoenix police shootings dropped in 2019, after sharp spike in 2018
WASHINGTON - New data from the Phoenix Police Department show shootings by city officers fell sharply last year, from 44 incidents in 2018 to just 15 in 2019, bringing the city more in line with its average of recent years.
Reported hate crimes fell in Arizona; advocates skeptical of real gains
WASHINGTON - Reported hate crimes in Arizona fell to the lowest rate in five years in 2018, a drop that outpaced a slight drop nationally, according to the latest FBI data, but advocates cautioned against celebrating too soon, noting that not all hate crimes are reported.
Arizona inched up among states on rates of women murdered by men
WASHINGTON - For the first time in five years, Arizona was back among the top 10 states for highest rates of women murdered by men in 2017, the most recent year studied by the Violence Policy Center in its annual report.
Veterans connect with next generation through storytelling
PHOENIX – The Veterans Heritage Project connects the next generation of students to veterans and history through interviews.
Minimum wage increase puts Arizona near top; advocates say more needed
WASHINGTON - Arizona's minimum wage rises from $11 to $12 an hour on New Year's Day, a move advocates said is "long overdue" but also a long way from solving the state's poverty issues.Business officials counter that the higher wage will only make jobs more scarce for people looking for work.
A moving story: Arizona still nets a gain of residents from other states
WASHINGTON - Arizona continues to be a net importer of people, taking in 2.2 million new residents from other states from 2010 to 2018, while losing 1.7 million to other states in that period.They came from Maine to Hawaii and they went to every state, according to Census Bureau data.
Latinos left behind as big tech continues to grow
TUCSON – The tech industry continues to grow nationwide, but its workforce still is nearly 70% white. Less than 7% of workers are Hispanic.
2020 census: Middle Easterners and North Africans don’t fit the box
PHOENIX – For one historically underrepresented group in the United States, the 2020 census was supposed to be their chance to finally have their voices heard. Until it wasn’t.
With execution on hold, Navajo inmate presses court on jury bias claim
PHOENIX - A federal appeals court panel grappled Friday with how - or why - convicted Navajo double-murderer Lezmond Mitchell could question jurors from his trial 16 years ago about possible racial bias in their deliberations.
Justices seem skeptical of death-row inmate’s claim for new hearing
WASHINGTON - Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical Wednesday of the notion that Arizona double-murderer James Erin McKinney should get a new sentencing hearing, asking if that would not be a "windfall" for McKinney at the expense of his victims' families.
Return to ‘the Rock’: Original Alcatraz occupier retraces steps during 50th anniversary
SAN FRANCISCO – Dennis Turner was one of the original activists who helped take back Alcatraz Island for Indigenous people in the fall of 1969. Last month, he and his family revisited “the Rock” on the 50th anniversary of the “Red Power” occupation.