Miss Navajo Nation is a ‘glimmer of hope’ for community during pandemic

PHOENIX – After winning the title of Miss Navajo Nation in September, Shaandiin Parrish immediately got to work on the cultural preservation and advocacy efforts central to the role.

School-to-prison pipeline has deep roots in tangled history of tribal schools

PHOENIX - Juvenile incarceration disproportionately affects Native American youth, a disparity experts trace back to U.S. assimilation policies of the 19th and 20th centuries - which included tribal boarding schools and the trauma that some have linked to them.

‘Keeping the culture alive’: Native dance goes digital during pandemic

PHOENIX – Native communities have cancelled traditional gatherings because of COVID-19. But Tiny Rosales, a member of the Ojibwe tribe, has found a way to “to keep the people dancing” by creating a space on Facebook to host virtual Native dance competitions.

As providers turn to telehealth during COVID-19, calls rise for more resources in Indian Country

PHOENIX – With telehealth expansion, community leaders and medical providers see a chance for improved health outcomes amid COVID-19 and beyond, but a lack of infrastructure hinders access for some on tribal lands.

Ready, set, go: Louis Tewanima Footrace runs virtually Sept. 6

The COVID-19 pandemic means the 47th annual Louis Tewanima Footrace will be conducted virtually, from a location of each runner’s choosing. Organizers said the 2020 race, which honors a member of the Hopi nation who won a silver medal in the 1912 Olympics, will still foster community.

Many Navajos face pandemic without running water, tribal members urged to ‘lift each other up’

One grassroots organization – The WATERED – has delivered hand-washing stations to more than 110 households on the 27,000-square-mile Navajo Nation reservation.

Experts: Latino youth ‘invisible’ in juvenile justice data

Many experts agree Latino, Indigenous and Hispanic youth are misidentified and poorly counted in county, state and national statistics due to inconsistencies in definitions, categories or even having the option to self-identify at all.

Navajo ‘Water Warrior’ drives miles during COVID to deliver to those in need

PHOENIX – Water is a precious commodity in rural Native American communities like the Navajo Nation, where a virus that requires good hygiene has taken an especially heavy toll. One man is looking to help, by delivering barrels of water to those in need.

As deadline looms, Congress urged to reauthorize diabetes program for Native Americans

PHOENIX — Some in Congress, with the support of Indian Country leaders, want to extend the Special Diabetes Program for five years and bump the yearly funding to $200 million from $150 million.

AZ leaders applaud NFL Washington team name change

PHOENIX - Arizona Native American voices respond to the news of the Washington team name change.

How Arizona’s COVID-19 pandemic unfolded: A timeline

Cronkite News compiled responses and efforts from Navajo Nation president Jonathan Nez and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.

‘We have to do something’: Inmate’s brother seeks his release to escape COVID-19 behind bars

PHOENIX – The Navajo County Jail in Holbrook is one of many national detention centers under fire for treatment of patients before a COVID-19 outbreak. Two brothers tell COVID-19 horror stories behind bars, while a third fights for their rights, possibly their lives.